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Richard Wolff 美国政客把中国最替罪羊

已有 76 次阅读2024-8-4 13:00 |个人分类:Richard Wolff

Richard D. Wolff – It’s Hard for Americans to Engage in China-Bashing Without Tripping on Contradictions


2023 年 7 月 6 日 


理查德·沃尔夫是马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校经济学名誉教授,也是纽约新学院大学国际事务研究生课程的客座教授。沃尔夫的每周节目“经济更新”由 100 多个广播电台联合播出,并通过言论自由电视传送到 5500 万个电视接收器。

美国对华攻击的矛盾之处首先在于它经常是彻头彻尾的不实之词。据《华尔街日报》报道,2023 年 2 月,拜登总统在爱国热情的吹捧下击落的“中国间谍”气球实际上并没有向中国传送照片或其他任何东西。白宫经济学家一直在为美国持续的通货膨胀辩解,称这是一个全球性问题,世界其他地方的通货膨胀更为严重。中国的通货膨胀率同比下降了 0.7%。金融媒体强调中国的 GDP 增长率低于过去。中国现在估计其 2023 年的 GDP 增长率将达到 5% 至 5.5%。与此同时,对美国 2023 年 GDP 增长率的估计在 1% 至 2% 左右徘徊。

对中国的抨击已经升级为否认和自欺欺人——这就像假装美国没有输掉越南、阿富汗、伊拉克等战争一样。金砖国家联盟(中国及其盟友)现在的全球经济足迹(GDP 总量)远大于七国集团(美国及其盟友)。中国在研发支出方面的增长速度超过了世界其他国家。美国帝国(就像它的基础——美国资本主义一样)不再是二战后主导全球的力量。自那以后,帝国和经济的规模、实力和影响力都大幅缩水。而且这种情况还在继续。把这个精灵放回瓶子里是一场与历史的斗争,美国不太可能赢得这场斗争。

对世界经济变化的否认和自欺欺人导致了重大战略失误。例如,在 2022 年 2 月(乌克兰战争爆发)之前和之后不久,美国领导人预测,俄罗斯经济将因美国主导的“最严厉制裁”的影响而崩溃。一些美国领导人仍然相信崩溃将会发生(公开的,如果不是私下的),尽管没有这样的迹象。这样的预测严重误判了俄罗斯金砖国家盟友的经济实力和潜力。以中国和印度为首的金砖国家响应了俄罗斯对其石油和天然气买家的需求。美国在乌克兰问题上对克里姆林宫实施制裁,要求其欧洲盟友停止购买俄罗斯石油和天然气。然而,美国对中国、印度和许多其他国家(金砖国家内外)施加压力,要求他们停止购买俄罗斯出口产品,但这种做法失败了。这些国家不仅从俄罗斯购买石油和天然气,还将部分石油和天然气再出口到欧洲国家。世界权力格局随着世界经济的变化而变化,而美国的地位却因此受损。


美国民意调查显示,媒体成功地将中国在经济和技术上的进步描绘成威胁,并利用这种威胁来游说反对美国高科技产业的监管。当然,企业反对政府监管早于中国崛起。然而,鼓励对华敌视为各种商业利益的额外掩护提供了方便的掩护。中国的技术挑战源于并依赖于大规模的教育工作,这种教育工作的基础是培养比美国多得多的 STEM 科学家。然而,美国企业并不支持同等程度地纳税来资助教育。媒体对这一问题的报道很少涉及这一明显的矛盾,政客们也大多回避这一问题,认为这会危及他们的选举前景。

把中国当替罪羊和把移民当替罪羊一样,BIPOC 和许多其他常见目标。美国帝国和资本主义经济体系的广泛衰落使国家面临一个严峻的问题:谁的生活水平将承受这种衰落的影响?这个问题的答案非常明确:政府将推行紧缩政策(削减重要公共服务),并允许价格上涨,然后提高利率,从而降低生活水平和就业率。

除了 2020 年的经济危机和疫情之外,中低收入人群迄今为止承担了美国衰落的大部分成本。这是人类历史上衰落帝国所遵循的模式:那些控制财富和权力的人最有能力将衰落的成本转嫁给普通民众。



因为他们认为这符合美国的利益,时任总统理查德·尼克松在 1972 年访问中国期间恢复了与北京的外交和其他关系。前中国国家主席毛泽东、前总理周恩来和尼克松为中美两国开启了经济增长、贸易、投资和繁荣的时期。这一时期的成功促使中国寻求延续这一时期。同样的成功促使美国近年来改变了态度和政策。更准确地说,这一成功促使特朗普和拜登等美国政治领导人现在将中国视为敌人,认为中国的经济发展构成了威胁。他们因此妖魔化北京领导层。

大多数美国大公司不同意这一观点。他们从上世纪 80 年代以来的中国劳动力和快速增长的中国市场中获利颇丰。这在很大程度上是他们庆祝“新自由主义全球化”时的意思。然而,美国商界的很大一部分人希望继续进入中国。


Richard D. Wolff – It’s Hard for Americans to Engage in China-Bashing Without Tripping on Contradictions

China-bashing has intensified into denial and self-delusion

Richard D. Wolff is professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a visiting professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, in New York. Wolff’s weekly show, “Economic Update,” is syndicated by more than 100 radio stations and goes to 55 million TV receivers via Free Speech TV.

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute


The contradictions of China-bashing in the United States begin with how often it is flat-out untrue. The Wall Street Journal reports that the “Chinese spy” balloon that President Joe Biden shot down with immense patriotic fanfare in February 2023 did not in fact transmit pictures or anything else to China. White House economists have been trying to excuse persistent U.S. inflation saying it is a global problem and inflation is worse elsewhere in the world. China’s inflation rate is 0.7 percent year-on-year. Financial media outlets stress how China’s GDP growth rate is lower than it used to be. China now estimates that its 2023 GDP growth will be 5 to 5.5 percent. Estimates for the U.S. GDP growth rate in 2023, meanwhile, vacillate around 1 to 2 percent.

China-bashing has intensified into denial and self-delusion—it is akin to pretending that the United States did not lose wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and more. The BRICS coalition (China and its allies) now has a significantly larger global economic footprint (higher total GDP) than the G7 (the United States and its allies). China is outgrowing the rest of the world in research and development expenditures. The American empire (like its foundation, American capitalism) is not the dominating global force it once was right after World War II. The empire and the economy have shrunk in size, power, and influence considerably since then. And they continue to do so. Putting that genie back into the bottle is a battle against history that the United States is not likely to win.

Denial and self-delusion about the changing world economy have led to major strategic mistakes. United States leaders predicted before and shortly after February 2022—when the Ukraine war began—for example, that Russia’s economy would crash from the effects of the “greatest of all sanctions,” led by the United States. Some U.S. leaders still believe that the crash will take place (publicly, if not privately) despite there being no such indication. Such predictions badly miscalculated the economic strength and potential of Russia’s allies in the BRICS. Led by China and India, the BRICS nations responded to Russia’s need for buyers of its oil and gas. The United States made its European allies cut off purchasing Russian oil and gas as part of the sanctions war against the Kremlin over Ukraine. However, U.S. pressure tactics used on China, India, and many other nations (inside and outside BRICS) to likewise stop buying Russian exports failed. They not only purchased oil and gas from Russia but then also reexported some of it to European nations. World power configurations had followed the changes in the world economy at the expense of the U.S. position.

War games with allies, threats from U.S. officials, and U.S. warships off China’s coast may delude some to imagine that these moves intimidate China. The reality is that the military disparity between China and the United States is smaller now than it has ever been in modern China’s history. China’s military alliances are the strongest they have ever been. Intimidation that did not work from the time of the Korean War and since then, will certainly not be effective now. Former President Donald Trump’s tariff and trade wars were aimed, U.S. officials said, to persuade China to change its “authoritarian” economic system. If so, that aim was not achieved. The United States simply lacks the power to force the matter.

American polls suggest that media outlets have been successful in a) portraying China’s advances economically and technologically as a threat, and b) using that threat to lobby against regulations of U.S. high-tech industries. Of course, business opposition to government regulation predates China’s emergence. However, encouraging hostility toward China provides convenient additional cover for all sorts of business interests. China’s technological challenge flows from and depends upon a massive educational effort based on training far more STEM scientists than the United States does. Yet, U.S. business does not support paying taxes to fund education equivalently. The reporting by the media on this issue rarely covers that obvious contradiction and politicians mostly avoid it as dangerous to their electoral prospects.

Scapegoating China joins with scapegoating immigrants, BIPOCs, and many of the other usual targets. The broader decline of the U.S. empire and capitalist economic system confronts the nation with the stark question: whose standard of living will bear the burden of the impact of this decline? The answer to that question has been crystal clear: the government will pursue austerity policies (cut vital public services) and will allow price inflation and then rising interest rates that reduce living standards and jobs.

Coming on top of 2020’s combined economic crash and pandemic, the middle- and-lower-income majority have so far borne most of the cost of the United States’s decline. That has been the pattern followed by declining empires throughout human history: those who control wealth and power are best positioned to offload the costs of decline onto the general population.

The real sufferings of that population cause vulnerability to the political agendas of demagogues. They offer scapegoats to offset popular upset, bitterness, and anger. Leading capitalists and the politicians they own welcome or tolerate scapegoating as a distraction from those leaders’ responsibilities for mass suffering. Demagogic leaders scapegoat old and new targets: immigrants, BIPOCs, women, socialists, liberals, minorities of various kinds, and foreign threats. The scapegoating usually does little more than hurt its intended victims. Its failure to solve any real problem keeps that problem alive and available for demagogues to exploit at a later stage (at least until scapegoating’s victims resist enough to end it).

The contradictions of scapegoating include the dangerous risk that it overflows its original purposes and causes capitalism more problems than it relieves. If anti-immigrant agitation actually slows or stops immigration (as has happened recently in the United States), domestic labor shortages may appear or worsen, which may drive up wages, and thereby hurt profits. If racism similarly leads to disruptive civil disturbances (as has happened recently in France), profits may be depressed. If China-bashing leads the United States and Beijing to move further against U.S. businesses investing in and trading with China, that could prove very costly to the U.S. economy. That this may happen now is a dangerous consequence of China-bashing.

Because they believed it would be in the U.S. interest, then-President Richard Nixon resumed diplomatic and other relations with Beijing during his 1972 trip to the country. Former Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong, former Premier Zhou Enlai, and Nixon started a period of economic growth, trade, investment, and prosperity for both China and the United States. The success of that period prompted China to seek to continue it. That same success prompted the United States in recent years to change its attitude and policies. More accurately, that success prompted U.S. political leaders like Trump and Biden to now perceive China as the enemy whose economic development represents a threat. They demonize the Beijing leadership accordingly.

The majority of U.S. megacorporations disagrees. They profited mightily from their access to the Chinese labor force and the rapidly growing Chinese market since the 1980s. That was a large part of what they meant when they celebrated “neoliberal globalization.” A significant part of the U.S. business community, however, wants continued access to China.

The fight inside the United States now pits major parts of the U.S. business community against Biden and his equally “neoconservative” foreign policy advisers. The outcome of that fight depends on domestic economic conditions, the presidential election campaign, and the political fallout of the Ukraine war as well the ongoing twists and turns of the China-U.S. relations. The outcome also depends on how the masses of Chinese and U.S. people understand and intervene in relations between these two countries. Will they see through the contradictions of China-bashing to prevent war, seek mutual accommodation, and thereby rebuild a new version of the joint prosperity that existed before Trump and Biden?






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