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2024年9月 Canada 销毁旧COVID疫苗 换新疫苗

已有 119 次阅读2024-9-8 13:52 |个人分类:medicine

2024年9月 Canada 销毁旧COVID疫苗 换新疫苗



此站点区域目前正在更新,以符合即将到来的 2024-2025 年呼吸道疾病季节的指导。

从 2024 年 9 月 1 日起,加拿大将不再提供 COVID-19 疫苗。加拿大卫生部已批准更新的 COVID-19 疫苗,并将于 2024 年秋季上市。

加拿大公共卫生署 (PHAC) 已发布通知,要求在加拿大市场撤回所有 COVID-19 XBB 疫苗,为即将到来的 2024-2025 年秋季呼吸道疾病季节做准备,届时将推出采用 KP.2 配方的新型 COVID-19 疫苗。

新配方将提供针对目前流行的 COVID-19 毒株的最大保护。新的 KP.2 疫苗预计将于 9 月底或 10 月初上市。


及时了解 COVID-19 疫苗对于保护我们社区中最脆弱的人免于严重疾病(包括住院和死亡)至关重要。



此站点区域目前正在更新,以符合即将到来的 2024-2025 年呼吸道疾病季节的指导。

从 2024 年 9 月 1 日起,加拿大将不再提供 COVID-19 疫苗。加拿大卫生部已批准更新的 COVID-19 疫苗,并将于 2024 年秋季上市。

加拿大公共卫生署 (PHAC) 已发布通知,要求在加拿大市场撤回所有 COVID-19 XBB 疫苗,为即将到来的 2024-2025 年秋季呼吸道疾病季节做准备,届时将推出采用 KP.2 配方的新型 COVID-19 疫苗。

新配方将提供针对目前流行的 COVID-19 毒株的最大保护。新的 KP.2 疫苗预计将于 9 月底或 10 月初上市。


及时了解 COVID-19 疫苗对于保护我们社区中最脆弱的人免于严重疾病(包括住院和死亡)至关重要。

COVID-19: Vaccine Eligibility & Doses


This site area is currently being updated to align with guidance for the upcoming 2024-2025 respiratory illness season. 

There will be no COVID-19 vaccines in Canada beginning September 1, 2024. An updated COVID-19 vaccine is licensed by Health Canada and available in Fall 2024.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has issued a market withdrawal of all COVID-19 XBB vaccines in Canada in preparation for the upcoming fall 2024-2025 respiratory illness season, when a new COVID-19 vaccine with KP.2 formulation will be available.

The new formulation will provide the greatest protection against currently circulating COVID-19 strains. The new  KP.2 vaccine is expected to be available in late September or early October.

Check back here to find out more information when the new vaccine will be available.

Staying up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccines is important to protect the most vulnerable people in our community from serious illness, including hospitalization and death.

销毁旧的 COVID 疫苗以获得新的疫苗?指导背后的原因是什么


Sean Previl 全球新闻 2024 年 9 月 6 日

各省和地区是否需要在接种新的秋季加强针之前销毁旧的 COVID-19 疫苗?




加拿大目前正在使用的疫苗针对的是 COVID-19 的 XBB 变体。


加拿大公共卫生署表示:“一旦获得批准,更新的 COVID-19 疫苗将取代目前的供应。” “撤回之前的 XBB 疫苗是监管和供应管理最佳实践的一部分,与年度流感疫苗的方法一致。”

PHAC 表示,如何摆脱当前的 XBB 疫苗由各个司法管辖区决定。它还表示,可以保留当前剂量,直到更新的疫苗可用。

PHAC 在周五向 Global News 发表的声明中表示,它已与各省和地区合作制定了疫苗撤回计划,以确保疫苗的“稳定供应”,以支持即将到来的秋季疫苗接种活动。

PHAC 发言人 Anna Madison 表示:“每个司法管辖区都可以根据其免疫计划和分发系统的规模、规模和复杂性,灵活地实施或修改该计划。”

“有些司法管辖区选择在 8 月 31 日之后通知所有产品下架,以便所有供应商有时间从诊所撤下库存,以期获得监管机构对 2024/25 年新冠疫苗配方的批准。其他司法管辖区则选择分阶段实施,例如尊重这段时间已经预订的预约,但不提供额外的预约或无预约预约,同时保持中央库存以应对紧急需求。”

她补充说,从 9 月 1 日开始,将开始从市场上撤下疫苗,一旦获得批准,将有一个“过渡期”,以全面撤下疫苗并更换新配方。

此前,加拿大公共卫生署 (PHAC) 网站上发布的一则通知告知卫生专业人员,8 月 31 日之后,XBB.1.5 疫苗将不再在该国使用,针对 JN.1 或 KP.2 毒株的疫苗预计将在未来几周内获得授权。

该通知一直有效,直到 9 月 4 日才更改。

周三,安大略省卫生部发言人告诉 Global News,加拿大卫生部已下令各省撤回并销毁所有剩余的现有疫苗,该疫苗针对的是 XBB.1.5 毒株的 COVID-19。


一位省政府官员匿名告诉 Global News,8 月,联邦机构已启动了疫苗的新监管程序,“这导致加拿大卫生部有合同义务将所有 XBB 产品从市场上撤回,直到大量产品可以在加拿大发布和分发。”


加拿大卫生部指出,截至 9 月 3 日,KP.3.1.1 病毒估计占加拿大感染病例的 52%,是该国的主要毒株。

截至 9 月 6 日,阿尔伯塔省、萨斯喀彻温省、曼尼托巴省、安大略省、新斯科舍省、纽芬兰和拉布拉多省、西北地区和新不伦瑞克省均已暂停疫苗接种活动。魁北克省将于 9 月 14 日采取同样措施。


爱德华王子岛、努纳武特和育空地区在其网站上没有发布暂停通知,在本文发表之前也没有回复 Global News 的询问。

虽然加拿大尚未批准更新的疫苗,但美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 最近批准并授予了与 SARS-CoV-2 KP.2 毒株相对应的更新单价疫苗的紧急使用授权。


加拿大卫生部上个月发布的一份声明中指出,针对 KP.2 的疫苗与 KP.3.1.1 毒株密切相关,因此该疫苗有望提供交叉保护。


据加拿大卫生部称,辉瑞、Moderna 和基于蛋白质的 Novavax 提交的疫苗申请正在“加急”审查中。

Tammy Jarbeau 在一份声明中表示,如果疫苗符合安全性、有效性和质量标准,加拿大卫生部预计它们将在秋季疫苗接种活动前获得授权。

辉瑞-BioNTech 和 Moderna 针对 XBB.1.5 COVID-19 变体的 mRNA 疫苗均于去年 9 月获得批准。

这两种 mRNA 疫苗在 10 月获得批准后的几周内开始推出。

Novavax 的基于蛋白质的疫苗于 12 月获得批准,并于 2024 年冬季推出。

Destroy old COVID shots to get new ones? What's behind the guidance


 By Sean Previl  Global News  September 6, 2024 

Do provinces and territories need to destroy their old COVID-19 vaccines before getting the new fall booster shots?

As Canadians prepare for the rollout of a fall booster campaign, some provinces have said they are being ordered to destroy old supplies of the existing vaccine before they can get new supplies.

With vaccination on hold in most regions as a result, here’s what to know about why Health Canada wants the old vaccines pulled from the market, and how provinces are preparing for the rollout.

Did Health Canada order shots destroyed?

The current vaccines being used in Canada target the XBB variant of COVID-19.

But that’s no longer the main circulating variant and, just like with flu shots, the vaccine has been updated to target a newer variant and is currently waiting on approval in Canada.

“Once approved, updated COVID-19 vaccines will replace the current supply,” the Public Health Agency of Canada says. “Withdrawing the previous XBB vaccines is part of regulatory and supply management best practices, consistent with the approach to annual influenza vaccines.”

PHAC says it’s up to individual jurisdictions to decide how to get rid of the current XBB vaccines. It also says current doses can be kept until the updated vaccine is available.

In a statement to Global News on Friday, the PHAC said it had collaborated with provinces and territories to develop a vaccine withdrawal plan to ensure a “stable supply” of vaccines to support upcoming fall vaccination campaigns.

“Each jurisdiction has the flexibility, based on the size, scale and complexity of their immunization program and distribution system, on their approach to implementing or modifying this plan,” said Anna Madison, a spokesperson with PHAC.

“Some have chosen to communicate a withdrawal of all products after Aug. 31 to allow time for all providers to remove stock from their clinics in anticipation of regulatory approval for new 2024/25 COVID-19 vaccine formulations. Others have chosen a phased approach, such as honouring appointments already booked for this period but not offering additional bookings or walk-in appointments, while maintaining a central stock to respond to urgent needs.”

She added that the start of efforts to remove the vaccines from market began on Sept. 1 and that there would be a “period of transition” to full removal and replacement of new formulations once approved.

A notice previously posted to PHAC’s website advised health professionals that after Aug. 31, the XBB.1.5 vaccine would no longer be available for use in the country, with vaccines to target the JN.1 or KP.2 strains expected to be authorized in the coming weeks.

That notice was available up until Sept. 4, when it was changed.

How are provinces preparing?

On Wednesday, a spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of Health told Global News that Health Canada had ordered the provinces to withdraw and destroy all remaining supplies of the current vaccine, which  targets the XBB.1.5 strain of COVID-19.

Click to play video: 'Vaccine mandate dropped for health care workers'

Vaccine mandate dropped for health care workers

A provincial government official told Global News on background that in August, the federal agency had started a new regulatory process for the vaccines, “which resulted in a contractual obligation for Health Canada to withdraw all XBB products from the market until a lot could be released and distributed in Canada.”

“As the new vaccines cannot be distributed until the remaining supply is withdrawn and destroyed, provinces cannot order an interim supply of vaccines to vaccinate their population while awaiting the approval and distribution of the updated vaccination,” the official wrote.

Health Canada noted that, as of Sept. 3, the KP.3.1.1 was estimated to account for 52 per cent of infections in Canada, making it the dominant strain spreading in the country.

As of Sept. 6, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories and New Brunswick have all suspended their vaccine campaigns. Quebec to do the same on Sept. 14.

The office of British Columbia’s provincial health officer said the current vaccine would be available until a new product is approved, though advised people should wait for the new formula if they can.

Prince Edward Island, Nunavut and the Yukon do not have notices of a suspension on their websites and did not reply to inquiries from Global News before this story was published.

While approvals for an updated vaccine have not yet been made in Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved and granted emergency use authorization for an updated monovalent vaccine that corresponds to the KP.2 strain of SARS-CoV-2.

In its approval last month, it also noted the vaccine targeting KP.2 was closely enough related to the KP.3.1.1 strain that the vaccine promised cross-protection.

Which vaccines will be available?

According to Health Canada, vaccine submissions from Pfizer, Moderna and the protein-based Novavax are being reviewed “on an expedited basis”.

In a statement, Tammy Jarbeau said if the vaccines meet safety, efficacy and quality standards, Health Canada expects them to be authorized in time for fall vaccination campaigns.

Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines targeting the XBB.1.5 COVID-19 variant were approved last September.

The two mRNA vaccines began rollout within weeks of approval in October.

Novavax’s protein-based vaccine received approval in December, with rollout shortly after in winter 2024.






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