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Why do Africans prefer the People from China, but hate Americans

已有 162 次阅读2016-1-27 10:29 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| China

Why do Africans prefer the People from China, but hate Americans 

           Frank   Nov. 28 2013 in Wayerloo, On. Ca.


    In nov. 28 2013, I wrote an article that <China Funds New East African Railway to Facilitate Trade across Africa> with reproduced some artcles of reporting that China funds $5.2B to construct New East African Railway for Facilitating Trade across Africa.  Following is the comments that I put in the start of the article.  

    In Canada, I have a colleague from Somalia. He said that, as early as 1920s, Somalia was bombed by the aircrafts, when British and Italian fighting with wooden aircrafts. 

    He said that many Western countries want to occupy Somalia, however, no one was success.  Because their Somali people have hard anti-bone, once was defeated, keeping some time in honest. After regaining the ability, they began to rebel again.

    They acted as that of pirates on the Ocean today to make endless attacks, no one can stand about that. Finally, the occupiers were all gone, and no one dared come back again. 

    From the past to the present, those Western Countries, including the United States in recent decades, besides sent troops to perform occupation and plunder, they never truely help us. They look down on us from their heart. They never made friend with us. 

    However, people from China came to help us construction, to make friends with us, and even intermarry with our Africans. At the beginning, because the language is not good, they are less communication with the local people. However, with the improvement of the language, they friendly live in harmony with the surrounding local neighborhood, as that of close relatives.   
                 Why that African Welcome Chinese, but hate Americans - 风萧萧 - Notebook of Frank
    African certainly warm welcome the people from China, but we never believe Americans.             
                             --- Frank nov. 28  2013 in Canada

New Trend? Chinese Migrant Workers In Africa Marry Black Women



Over the weekend I stumbled across an interesting article on The Atlantic about Chinese workers in Africa marrying “locals.” The article, “Chinese Workers in Africa Who Marry Locals Face Puzzled Reception at Home,” was based on a post on the site ChinaSmack that wondered if these new marriages could be the key to solving the gender imbalances in China.

Because boys are lauded in Chinese culture and because families are limited to only one child per household, men far outnumber women in China. One of the many problems this creates manifests itself in dating and marriage. Some estimate that for every 100 Chinese women, there are 110 Chinese men, which leaves many men uncoupled and unmarried. And apparently, Chinese workers in Africa are finding ways to level the playing field.

Despite the growing trend of Chinese workers marrying local African women, predictably, many in their home country have a lot to say about it. On the Chinese culture blog, ChinaSmack (which takes postings from other sources and translates them to English), one poster suggest “large-scale” marrying of African women could be the key to Chinese men finding love, but of course, only if they marry “high end Black girls” without “greasy skin.”

Fauna of ChinaSmack translates:

Chinese women marrying blacks is no longer something rare, whereas in comparison men very rarely dare to bring black girls back home to China. I won’t say anything and go ahead and post the photos.

In my neighborhood is a Chinese engineer who returned from Angola, and his wife is a black girl. However, she’s one of those very pretty high-end black girls. She’s very slender and not one of those fat auntie types. Her skin also isn’t the kind of oily/greasy black but rather black-brownish and more brown. They have two children, about five or six years old, twin boys.

As for their appearance, unfortunately, the father’s genes were really too strong. Aside from their skin being slightly darker, their faces look very much like their daddy.

Large-scale marrying of African women can effectively solve China’s male-female sex-ratio imbalance problem!


Article Photo

Although I’m sure something is lost in translation, I’d wager that the intent of this writer–to encourage Chinese men to marry the right kind of African women–remains intact. And judging from the comments on theChinaSmack website, many of these men and their wives will face discrimination, racist rhetoric, and down-right disgusting behavior when/if they decide to return to China.




Hopefully, though, love can conquer all. And from the looks of these couples and their children, it seems like it just might.

Some of the 110 comments   
DeVon   3 years ago  
Living in China for the past two years, the misconceptions that Chinese people have towards Black people is shocking. There is a strong preference towards light skin that has thousands of years of support among them, and even as they judge Blacks, those same colorism issues affect how they few each other. As a teacher there, it was normal for my students to decry they want a girlfriend with white skin, and they didn't mean they wanted a Caucasian girlfriend. It makes perfect sense to them that, if one must marry someone who isn't Chinese, they choose someone with light skin because light skin=beautiful. Point. blank. period.
It's disgusting, but I long ago gave up hope that the Chinese would ever have a real enlightened discussion about racial issues. Just shake your head and move on.
Even though I'm dark-skinned, I thank God I'm a man living over there. People just think I'm either an NBA star who has let himself go...or a rapist/drug-dealer. It's like being in the states >_> 
  Honey   3 years ago  
What I'd like to say about this article is that I won't marry a reject. lol It is not because I am your back up plan that I will marry you. I will marry you because it was love at first sight and you share values I have or complement me. I have the opportunity to marry who I want to marry so I'll do! I won't marry someone just to be married this does not make sense. Otherwise I don't think this would last happily ever after . 
  Erik   2 years ago  
It's becoming more and more stronger trend all over the world and it's based on demographic change and some failures of feminist movement: black women, African women are not much more popular among men of different races than ever before. We should not generalize and over hype them but if relationship is based on love and care they really are very good choice for any decent man.
We are now living in the world where about 25% of all young females are Africans. In future even bigger percentage. If you limit your dating pool to only your own "race" you are stupid and will cut your choice perhaps more than half. There are 4 times more black young females than whites and twice as many as Chinese women. Take it under consideration.
 J M Fahey > blah   3 years ago  
Well, none of the women *should* show European features, of course, and the children *do* have some Asian features, as they should, having 50% Asian chromosomes.
Of course, "slanted eyes" is not the only Asian feature, although in our simplistic minds that?s often the only one we check for.
The children are noticeably lighter skinned than their mothers; more significantly so, lighter than they would be if their fathers had been Africans too, so there you already have *one* visible "Asian Feature".
Genetics tells us they must have a lot more (of course), such as maybe usually having another predominant blood type, or a 1000 other ones .... which of course do no show on pictures.
At least not to our untrained eyes.
I?d like to comment that all women shown are *beautiful*, at least from our point of view.
Good luck and happy future to them all.
 scott   3 years ago  
Interesting but not that unusual Males mate with whose available. If working in an African country it is reasonable that they will mate with those who are available. That should surprise no one.
 Black women who are achieving and leaving the ghetto manners and mentality are marring upward like women have done for all time. yes good features are important among women of all ethnic groups that to is how it has always been.      
  mana   3 years ago  
I do agree with Cheryl. Asian and African as a couple is no news. Chinese have been in West Africa for a while. If you took a look at history you will see that Chinese used to trade with some African kingdoms centuries ago. I don't know why some people see a clash of civilization everytime Africa is involved as if Africa had been isolated 'till the Western incoming. 
And yes, self-hatred behaviours must stop. You can get married to whoever you want as long as you see your self value, otherwise don't expect your mixed children or the other to respect you. 
And to the Chinese people don't expect any african women to solve your demography issues. We are human beings not figures.      
  cheryl   3 years ago  
This writer must have been born yesterday. Why are these young writers acting like parrots? They are expressing the thoughts of whites.
When the Chinese came over here in the 1800's they lived among us, had businesses among us and married us. My grandmother was half Chinese. This is not news.
If the writer is white, it's understandable that she would experience culture shock (totally uninformed) & a new Intern'l traveler). If she is black, then she should know better. Since when aren't people free to marry whomever. This has been going on since the beginning. In fact Chinese have African genes. Stop the BS propaganda.
FIRST 'CHINESE' WERE AFRICAN/NEGRO Google Chinese have African genes.
      Erik > cheryl   2 years ago  
Actually we all Europeans, Asians, Native Australians and Native Americans are descents of one and only African female (who lived some 80 000 - 85 000 years ago) as genetic data and studies have proved for several years. It's not even an scientific issue. 
The whole idea of different "race" is nothing but evolution of skin and other features. We are all African.
     aletha > cheryl   3 years ago  
I agree with you. In fact, African people are the common thread to all the races, especially the African woman. It is a blessing to have melanin (dark skin) although the world won't you to believe the opposite. Melaninated people do not age and they usually care for all humans regardless of the mistreatment. There are those who spend billions of dollars tanning or wearing the bronzing make up. Why? There are those non-black people who are wearing our natural hairstyles (braids). Why? There are those people who are injecting their lips and hips. The list goes on.....
     Isis   3 years ago  
I don't get why folks are so offended by them saying the black woman isn't greasy. Black men in droves say the exact same thing about black women. We're too dark, we're too fat, we're too loud, but that's ok? But God forbid someone of another race prefer their own, but black men don't have to prefer their own and can down black women with no repercussions? A mess. How do you want other races to admire us but don't hold black men to the same standard. gtfoh with that mess      
JW > Isis   3 years ago  
What the heck do you mean black men don't have repercussions for downig black women, black women are always talking about black men that bash women and correcting and critising them. Quite frankly in general black women are always bashing black men in general 24/7 whether said anything about them or not, whether you're a good guy or not. Black women creating memes like black men aint shit, making up crazy shit like most black men are on the DL, and saying they're lazy etc.
If anything black women talk about black men bashing them too much seeing as it doesn't happen nearly at the rate they talk about it which is always, it's a relatively small percentage that does that, just like they're always talking about some chasing white girls despite the VAST majority of black men dating black women.   
JW   3 years ago  
This thread was really interesting at the beginning when people started to talk about the economic implications in the relationship, are they really in love or are african women the last resort, are they trying to make a underclass by mating with the locals, and are they trying to colonize africa?
Then the died down and became horribly repetitive by people saying over and over again that it's not something new and it's been happening in the carribean for quite some time. OKAY we got it it's not something new, I don't see why people feel the need to keep repeating it, it's been said like seriously 60 times in this thread.
Also those racist comments in the article isn't by the writer, chinasmack just translates chinese message board comments to give you a peek into the chinese culture. So those racist comments were made by chinese people on chinese message boards, and anyone who's dealt with the chinese know they are SUPER racist to blacks. 
  aletha > JW   3 years ago  
I got lost in your post. This article was not about black men in specific. Rather, it was about chinese men dating and marrying African women. Clearly, there are people who are unhealthy and who make bad choices in dating because of their limited awareness. WE should look at these experiences as lessons because relationships teach us what we need, what we are willing to sacrifice, who we are or are not, and what we lack in our lives.
I maybe wrong, but I did not see any articles written by black women that bashed black men. There is a reality that there are more single black female head of household than any other racial group. We know that slavery has had its long lasting impact on the way in which we interact with each other in our platonic and intimate relationships. Yet we must overcome these deficiencies of self-hatred, and disrespect by seeing the beauty and value of each other in our sacred bonds.
Again, each of us has the right to speak to our experiences (good or bad). It is a form of therapy and should not be preceived as male bashing. The facts are the facts and truth is truth. No one should be oppressed in telling truth. Because when we can admit to facts, we can change bad behavior.
 aletha > First World Music   3 years ago  
First World Music,
I am not exactly sure as to what you are referring to. There are good and bad people in every race. It would be difficult to prove your theory that black women are somehow getting a better deal by dating or marrying non-black men. If people are unhealty, they will be unable to nurture good relationships regardless of race., .
       Frankie Fook-lun Leung   3 years ago  
Actually chinese males' perception of different races changes over time. Take for example, white women were considered very desirable in the past because under colonialism, white women in the colonies were in demand even for whites. White women were in short supply. The governed class did not mix socially with the governing class. So, many chinese who emigrated and settled in the British colonies married black colonies such as the West Indies and Maruitius. I had a mixed blood (black-chinese) friend at Oxford who was a Rhodes Scholar. His father was chinese and mother black. He subsequently became the Deputy Prime Minister of Trinidad. In Mauritius, you will find mixed blood chinese/black persons. This article does not shock me at all.

justsaying_it   3 years ago  
Black women are going to be posting this all over Youtube, and various other interracial blogs to show black women are wanted. I wonder if the men love the women enough to have them live in their country? I think not, but then again who knows.

aletha   3 years ago  
First, I am outraged that this article would suggest that black women are not beautiful unless they have European features, and I take exception to this article suggesting that Asian men would only consider exceptionally beautiful black women while the men in this article were not attractive at all.
Secondly, this article mentioned that this trend is new with African women while many black men as well as Asian women have been dating and marrying outside of their race. Why are beautiful and intelligent African men and women dating and marrying outside of their race?  
 AshaeAshae   3 years ago  
It's disgusting. First they want the oil and mineral rights. Then they want the fertile agricultural land. Now what they really want, the fabulous African concubines they just can't get back home. This is an ancient cycle.
  Kemwer   3 years ago  
If chinese men do not have enough women out of the over billion people in china then that is their problem,africans are not under any obligation to render African females up to them to solve their problem. Althrough the posting on the chinese website was what one person thought, it nevertheless give one a insight into some of the chinese mindset. Now of course jamaican women have been marrying chineses for years and the jamaican females have also been bleaching their skin for years, so what. As far as black american getting their jpanties wet when white men desire to sex them, there is a recnt sory on the bossip website of a white man having sex with a dog and this have been reported of white men doing such things a number of times. Now the chinese have tried to take over the afican resources with the blessing of african "leaders", are they trying to take the african women too?  
   JustSaying... > Kemwer   3 years ago  
You SERIOUSLY need to examine the words you have just written. Your sexism is off-putting and typical.
African women DON'T belong to anyone. They are NOT cattle. Asian men CANNOT take anything because they DON'T belong to African men. African women are MARRYING Asian men of their own FREE will, which is their right to do so. Please get over it.
Statements like these...
",africans are not under any obligation to render African females up to them to solve their problem"
"Now the chinese have tried to take over the afican resources with the blessing of african “leaders”, are they trying to take the african women too?"
Are sick and disgusting. These statements are also one of the MAIN reasons black men all over will continue to see black women seek the nearest exit. Repulsive!   
   Alexandra   3 years ago  
Calling it a trend makes it seem like it's recent, when it's not. This has been going on since the Chinese began working. And in other countries as well (mentioned by other posters). I was in Haiti back in '07. And a family that lived on my aunts street was made up of a UN peacekeeper and a local woman. A lot of Eurasian/Blasian Americans are products of Black/White American men who were stationed in parts of Asia. I think it's definitely about availability; because people eventually learn to assimilate into the culture or socialize with natives. If you want talk about a stereotypical man, then hell yes it makes sense that some Chinese workers are having sex/in relationships with African women there. So what's the difference here?
And yes that comment about oily-greasy skin was WTF!!? But the 'Fat auntie type' made me chuckle a bit. Wow. American media is very powerful.
     zy   3 years ago  
*sigh* the ignorance I'm seeing here is ridiculous. as a couple others have stated, Asians marrying blacks is NOT a new "trend". why this article was even posted is beyond me. take a minute and look at the caribbean, you'll see this "trend" has been happening forever. open up your eyes and your minds people and stop falling for sensationalist crap.

Alpha&#38;OmegaBeauty   3 years ago  
OMG! I thought asian men didnt like black women...and no I'm not just talking about that asshole who wrote that article saying blackwomen are less attractive either. Im talking about asian men in general. Ooops! ...guess I was wrong.
  whilome > Alpha&#38;OmegaBeauty   3 years ago  
Every man on Earth loves black women. Why? Because straight men love women. Period.
Don't let the media sell you on some mess. My wuz-band is Asian. A man is a man is a man.
Jess > Alpha&#38;OmegaBeauty   3 years ago  
Asia has more than 2 billion peopel, the most populace land on earth with many different ethnic groups.
Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis are totally different that Koreans, Japanes, and other North ASsians.
Kanazawa, the man who wrote the racist attractiveness article, was Japanese.
This article is about Chinese - two completely different ethnic groups. The Japanes alliued with the Nazi's. The Chinese did not and actually were oppressed by the Japanese. So these people are not one nd the same.
Just like Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Cubans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Latinos are Black/African-descent, but different culturally and geographically from Black Americans.
Same with Asians - Chinese and Japanes, two different apples.  
FattieSoSlim   3 years ago  
This is new? You guys have never seen a Chinese Jamaican? I understand that Jamaicans do not necessarily equate to Africans, but Chinese and blacks have been marrying for years. My stepfather's mother is half Chinese and half Jamaican, and it's pretty common. Actually church had a visitor the other day that was half Chinese and half Jamaican. This isn't new, and I wouldn't consider it a "trend" either.   
Culturally Aware > FattieSoSlim   3 years ago  
Agree 100%...this is no new..the author is just is not very aware. We are all here to learn something though and I am sure the author is learning via our comments. There are Japanese/Black , Chinese/Black Indian/Black all over the Caribbean & South America (Japanese, Indian & Chinese - Guyana /// Japanese & Chinese - Peru, Brazil etc.). There should be a new article to expand on those common pairings..to educate those who don't know. I believe the main difference with the Asians in the Caribbean & South America is that they have assimilated into the Caribbean culture that they are not so foreign...at least me..they are just another person. I prefer them than the one's straight from Asia or India. ( I am biased!)
Ever hear of the word "dougla"? It is not a new 'trend'. 
Jess > FattieSoSlim   3 years ago  
THANK YOU, FattieSoSlim. NEVER believe the American media. I have friend (Black woman of course) who was married twice to:
1: A Half-Black/Half chinese man from the Caribbean (Bahamas)
2) A 100% Chinese-American man.
She has two sons from one of her marriages.
And Tatyana Ali is half-Indian, which is an Asian group. Her mother is a VERY dark-skinned Black woman from the caribbean, and her father is a dark-skinned Indian man from the Caribbean as well.
the utter prejudice against Black woman is very much a North American thing,specifically the U.S. because in Canada they LOVE Black women. Definitely in Toronto.
Poetry101   3 years ago  
I don't look at the "Chinese marrying African wives" article as something positive, but rather something negative and sad. Just imagine if the article replaced "Black women" to any other race of women. The other races will respond more negatively than positively. Take for example this quote from the article, and replace "black" with "white" women/girls.
"his wife is a 'white' girl. However, she’s one of those very pretty high-end 'white' girls. She’s very slender and not one of those fat auntie types. Her skin also isn’t the kind of oily/greasy 'white' but rather 'tan-ish' and more 'olive-toned'."
I guarantee you that many white people will look at the article as more insulting than positive, and respond more angrily.
I'm not saying that some black women/men are not mad/insulted by this article by it's indirect insult to African women in what was supposed to be a positive article. But there are more comments by black women that 'seem' to ignore the insults and praise the article. I'm not just basing these type of comments from this website, but also other websites who are talking about this article and other articles alike.
And think about it... how many Asian men are leaving positive comments about Chinese men/African women couples compared to Black women? It's rather low.
Most Asian men have become so obsessed with white women when it comes to interracial relationships, that it seems like non-white women are invisible in their eyes. They've become so desperate, that they would point out every union they see in the media or in person involving Asian men/white women (even if they are strangers just sitting next to each other in a public transport..."OH, THE POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP THEY COULD HAVE!", said by an Asian man).
QueenofNewcastle > Poetry101   3 years ago  
I know the new meme for certain black women is that the evil black man and the evil black community is trying to keep black women away from a world that desperately wants to celebrate her beautiful mahogany skin and her strength but that just isnt the case.
These relationships arent between college students. These relationships are between migrant workers in desperately poor foreign countries. For every marriage there are dozens of prostitutes. These women are in the cyber cafes trying to land a European man too. I know the morale of black American women is low and you can live vicariously through these African women and feel loved by men of other races but dont. There is better for black women. Especially those living in the West.
     Melissa > Poetry101   3 years ago  
@Poetry101. Those comments were not written by the author of the article. They are comments made by Chinese people the on a popular forum in which the author just translated to show Chinese responses. So they are comments from posters just like you and I. If you read through the responses to articleitself it was mostly positive with the exception of one particular poster who I gathered to be White American racist.
     JustSaying... > Poetry101   3 years ago  
C'mon, I think you and I both the answer to that. Supposedly if you take the womb you take the race (and culture because women pass this on too). Good to see more black women assert themselves and move away from the race baiting. You're responsible for making yourself happy...not a race of people.
       LN > Poetry101   3 years ago  
Wow... This comment is just so, ignorant.
Why are we even politicizing these relationships?
I don't understand why so many black people are subliminally fearful of interracial relationships. We really need to stop and ask ourselves what exactly we are afraid of, particularly when those relationships involve black women.
     lynette   3 years ago  
I find this discussion extremely interesting. I would like to see Clutch do more articles on race relations in other countries. We could actually learn something from those discussions rather than focusing on the usual here in the US.
I actually work with a mix breed of races from whites to Indians to Asians and Hispanics and guess what?...we're all fighting to get to the top. My Indian co-worker was just telling me that she grew up in America but looked down upon by her home country because she does not speak the language anymore. She said that Asians and Indians have a long storied history together. I believe she said they both fight each other trying to get next to the white man because they feel it is their only option to get to the top (at least here in the US). If that's the case, I'm pretty sure blacks aren't even considered a threat:). However, it was a really interesting discussion because you don't realize how other minorities relate to each other because you're just so focused on black and white.
Although some of the messages in this article are clearly racist, I still think these type of discussions are necessary for us to learn and grow as a society.
     whilome   3 years ago  
It's funny how all ethnic societies have intra- and inter- racial prejudices.
I married an Asian and it was seen as a "step down" for him to be with a Black woman. Yet, brothas would wonder how he, a "lame ass chinaman," got "one of the good ones".
One of the "good ones"? What the flip does THAT mean?
My granny always said, "If you like him, I love him." Love has been found where ever two peoples coexist. The Chinese in Africa will marry just like the Vietnamese women had relationships with white and African-American men during the war. Folks gonna find love. All the rest...the dealing with the in-laws and snotty blogs and stale ass racism...that stuff will get sorted out later. LOVE.
       AustralianGirl   3 years ago  
Generally, Asian cultures do indeed 'look down' on black/African people. Keeping this in mind, I wonder what the marriage dynamics are between husband and wife? 
Although, Im sure some of the men are decent people, who do appreciate their wives.

B   3 years ago  
It's like they're making those african woman a favor... 
What high end black woman means? Are they high end themselves to be so picky?
Anyway, I'm not sure that they will bring their African wives to their mamas
This article is just so offensive
     Jess > B   3 years ago  
who cares what they mean by "high-end"? This is just one insignificant individuals comment toa blog post, just like ours on Clutch. None of our commenbts will have nay impact on the world, just like this persons comment abouit skin color or high end. For these reasons, they in no way compare to Kanazwa's article, which was published in an acclaimed scientific journal that reaches decision-makers, world leaders, top psychologists, and policy makers - thus is highly influential.
As fora visitor to a blogr? Who cares?
      apples (bb)   3 years ago  
Interesting that this interracial pairing is classified as a 'trend' by the author. Is is fair to say then that common interracial pairings in American society are indeed a 'trend' (.....motives driven by renowned stereotypes)? I personally classify these as such, but stay silent on the topic as people tend to get quite sensitive. Some food for thought..........
     trace21   3 years ago  
people are always in other people's business, if a white man is with a white man people talk, if a black man is with a white woman people talk, if a black woman is with an indian woman people talk, if an asian man is with a black woman people talk < OMG really?
We are all human, and guess what people are gonna have sex, fall in love, and do it all over again no mater what country they go to in the world. Are there people who do not realize this? SMH man
     nne   3 years ago  
Wondering why this article got three photos instead of the usual one that other articles get...just looks a bit desperate as if the plan were to prove that yeah, other races love black women too! In fact in the second one the black woman is merely sitting next to the man, which again presents the message if "see they even want to sit next to us!" For crying out loud, the man isn't even looking at her! In fact the other Asian woman in the dashiki could very well be his wife or perhaps the man sitting behind him, his gay African lover!
Personally I found the backhanded comments just as offensive as the Kanazawa article a few months back but yet that article focused on our desperate attempt to be loved by anybody.
I am in love with the idea of a love so strong it transcends race and more power to such union. However, I am getting tired of the subversive lets-find-another-race man to prove our loveability to the world/black men.
   Jess > nne   3 years ago  
"but black women get the most love from ... white people. "
That's a joke right?
And BTW, Queen (a.k.a.Trash)ofNewCastle, I've been all over this world. And know of which I speak. Can't say the same thing for you, though
     QueenofNewcastle > nne   3 years ago  
Please stop.. You are making me cringe. You are projecting your prospectives, your black AMERICAN female perspective onto this article and you are making yourself look like a fool.
"Plenty of people love Black women, but we know that most white people and many Black men don’t want anyone to see that. It’s all about their egos, but guess what?"
I dont know if you have noticed, probably because you have never travelled but black women get the most love from blacks and white people. The world outside of North America and Western Europe is bitterly racist, tribal, and doesnt have the same egalitarian values that the West has. Stop romanticizing people like you know them.
     Jess > nne   3 years ago  
I do't see anything desperate about this article. She just wrote about something happening in the world of interracial relationships. As much as people go on about Black men.other women pairings, noone calls that "desperate".
Black women are loved and deisred by many in this world - a world of almost 7billion people in which America is just adropin the water. If they are in interracial relationships with other men, and want to discuss the good/bad/pitfalls/positives, so what? Why does that make you want to make them desperate?
Sounds like their asserting their right to say "hey, look we exist too" because the media is using it's power tolie on Black women in every day.
This is called "telling our story" Desperation my ass. Plenty of people love Black women, but we know that most white people and many Black men don't want anyone to see that. It's all about their egos, but guess what? Other people do exist in this world - they just don't feel the need to always put all their business out there. So Ithink the article is fine. So to the author, thanx - Keep publishing stories other than the lies we always see and hear about Black women.
     QueenofNewcastle > nne   3 years ago  
I have to agree with you. The direction of the article was poor. This isnt a race issue per se. This is a class issue. This is a issue about black African women being poor and needing to market themselves to migrant workers on contract to escape their poverty. This is about locals using these women to also gain from the relationship. This could happen between richer migrant workers and poor local women in any country. It has. Well, it doesnt happen in the Gulf countries in the Middle East despite the legions of migrant workers from South Asia. Its because Arabs are super racist and their women have money and they dont need to marry a migrant worker to move up in the world.     
Quell   3 years ago  
I totally get the article, but I'm definitely disturbed by those comments made by the writers from ChinaSmack, "high end Black girls" really?
     Jess > Quell   3 years ago  
"As for their appearance, unfortunately, the father’s genes were really too strong. Aside from their skin being slightly darker, their faces look very much like their daddy."
As for the Chinese having problem with Black features, they seem to have a pretty low opinion of themselves too. Ahhh, the colonized mind is a study in and of itself!
   LemonNLime   3 years ago  
I say love is love. Period. But I do have some choice words for this "Fauna" over at ChinaSmack...
Anyway, if I were these ladies I would just try to make sure the relationship is genuine. There are many of people who have colonized places, married women there, had kids, and when they were done, left them behind and went home to their wives and families. Considering anything dark is seen as freakish and ugly to Asians, I don't think I would be to keen to hop into that but I also don't find Asian men remotely attractive.
Robbie   3 years ago  
Why not? Love is love.Why discriminate when it comes to it? I say bring it on. Black women don' have to marry black men just like Chinese men have to marry Chinese women.
Black women regardless of their shades are beautiful and it is about time that other men from other races realize it. Too many ugly stereotypes about black women being ugly, fat, dark etc...ugly is the reason why other races do not find us beautiful.If it works for these couples and others, why not?
   QueenofNewcastle > Robbie   3 years ago  
Why is this story turning into a debate about inter racial dating/marriage? This is a class issue more than it is anything else. This issue should be highlighting the wealth differentials in Africa compared to other parts of the world. Indian, Pakistani, Indonesian, Bangledeshi men cant come 10 feet next to an Arab woman in the Gulf despite hundreds of thousands of them working in the Middle East as migrant workers. Along with the sheer racism in Arab society Arab women have money and resources and they arent looking to come up by hooking up with a migrant worker. These black African women make their rounds to land a foreign husbands to alleviate their poverty. African men are complicit in setting up the arrangements.
You guys are so naive. 
Genuinesol   3 years ago  
You do understand that the black population is the fastest growing demographic globally and that most of the growth for the past 4 decades and most of the foreseeable growth is is predicted to be mainly in African lands? You also realize that most blacks in nearly every nation on the Earth marry and procreate mainly with other blacks. You also realize that blacks in the UK represent an extremely small percentage of the overall black population so even if every black man in the UK had a child with a white woman that would still barely put a dent in the black population.
Also, this has yet to be posted here on Clutch Magazine but, if you do research you will also see that there is a huge amount of blacks that have migrated to China.
For example the city of Guangzhou is being nicknamed "Chocolate City" in China because it has such a large number of African immigrants, mainly from Nigeria, and the rate continues to increase at nearly 50% annually. Then, there are huge numbers of Africans in Beijing and Shanghai. In other words, the same way the Chinese are encroaching onto the continent of Africa, Africans are making their way further onto the continent of Asia.
Furthermore, throughout Latin America the number of blacks or people who are identifying as "black" has skyrocketed and is raising the number of people who are indeed black or who identify as black to the majority if not half of the population in places such as Brazil, Cuba, and Colombia.
I say this just to let you know that the black race is in no danger whatsoever of disappearing. If anything, we need to all figure out a way to better provide for the millions of children, black and otherwise that are growing up in deplorable conditions that include but are not limited to absolute destitution and rampant violence with very little access to educational, medical, and economical advancement.
If you do some research, you will see that all that I mentioned regarding the black population globally is true and factual. Just remember as I have learned, very few things are as extreme and dire as the media or as we ourselves make them seem to be.
 *lb*rollingstone > Genuinesol   3 years ago  
I disagree. I believe that we are growing in numbers but I'm pretty it is Latinos and Indians and Chinese are the ones growing largely. Remember that Indians and Chinese make up more than 2.5 billion humans now.
Now please, please please please. Stop thinking that because black people are moving to China that its the same thing as Chinese coming to Africa. Who cares that there is a Chocolate City. Africans are going to Asian countries for new lifestyles, preferably for education and for affluence and to escape bad socio-political environments. The Chinese people are not moving to Africa for this same reason. They are moving to Africa under sponsorship of the Chinese government, to work in their factories and companies, to take the resources from Africa. They are not moving to Africa because they like Angolan culture or because Africa is better than China. They are moving their to work in the corporations. Read the articles on the internet, it is widely known that this is happening.
"You also realize that blacks in the UK represent an extremely small percentage of the overall black population so even if every black man in the UK had a child with a white woman that would still barely put a dent in the black population." 
This makes no sense. If every black man in the UK had a child with a white woman than that would mean the offspring of those men would be mixed race. And so if every black man had a mixed race family, then I would argue that at least most of the black woman would have to have a mixed race family. That is how a whole population becomes mixed its that easy. I don't mean to sound urgent, but let's stop promoting this with articles n stuff. Why not just get your swerve on and get married. It doesn't need to be promoted, I believe black women around the globe should be secure enough to not need people who have a history of shitting on them to tell them their beautiful by dating them.
Blacks in Latin America are still subject to the kind of racism that here in America we faced like 50 years ago. They are living in segregation. They do not have representation in their government and the economy. I doubt that their is a crazy increase in black identification in the Latin (spanish speaking) countries. If you have lighter skin then you have more privilege in these countries. Its common knowledge.
Again, I respectfully disagree. But I ask this question to anyone who reads this comment. On a continent that has been raped and pillaged for over 500 years is still in famine and drought, aids and wars, with little economic stability, is it fair for anybody to come to that continent and profit? Its the attitude that everything is dandy that makes people from the horn of Africa leave. Its the attitude from people like us in the West that everything is just peachy that allows people to suffer. Women are raped in the Congo everyday. Did you know the Chinese are getting important resources used in computers from this same Congo? Instead of people helping raise the economy in these countries they allow evil to go on. Anyways I hope the acceptance is worth it.
 Jasmine   3 years ago  
I'm of Asian descent and I'm not trying to be bias, but this is how most Asians are. They are very blunt and it will sound racist or rude if you don't understand them. Asians prefer anything with light skin. Those Asians who are darker skin, like me, are seen as unattractive. Dark skin is seen as dirty, poor and low income. For hundreds of years, it has always been like this. There will always be prejudice and discrimination amongst the races, but I am glad that there are Chinese men who see past the skin color thing and find love, in Africa, Mexico or where ever.

   *lb*rollingstone   3 years ago  
In a hundred years there will be a lot less black people. Why are there so many articles that talk about black women and interracial marriages. I understand that women want to be adored by everyone, but is there some kind of agenda that is trying to push us all, men and women, to date interracially. It feels like that to me. It feels like the best of us are all so "open" to everything that we are thinking we are like every other racial group. I'm all for interracial marriage but as long as the parents understand that their kids are NOT black. They are mixed. These African women are not marrying these Chinese men because they are pretty or because they have more or different game then African men. Its mainly because they have more than the average African man. Its because they want to have a better life. While I can't blame them, why don't we all, the best of us, come together and create a better life for ourselves. I see us all dwindling. Its going to be poor Africans, poor African Americans, poor Latin blacks, and middle class biracial people. Biracial will be the new black. China is colonizing Africa. They are not going to help those African families fend for themselves, they are going to make sure that the Chinese economy grows and secures itself as the future of the world. Are brothers and sisters there will become like us, dependent on the corporations and the little that they give us to survive.
I don't say that to down black women though. My family is Nigerian. I love all black women. I want to marry a brown skinned woman and have brown skinned children. I will say that I am attracted to the other races of women but I don't want to end up with them. It is cool to be adored by other races, but THEY are not us and I do not want us to fizzle out. Its said in the UK, 50 percent of the black men marry interracially. In a hundred years those mixed children will be white children. There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage but when are black women and especially black men going to come together and use their resources to build for our communities and someday Africa? I do want to say that if you are a sexy and/or beautiful black woman, emphasis on sexy and beautiful, any man would be crazy to not be attracted to you. My commentary is from a good place.
 *lb*rollingstone   3 years ago  
Actually, Justsaying is right. African women do want out of Africa. I think love and marriage should be between any people. But lets be honest, these African women are not marrying these Chinese dudes based solely on some love merit. They're looking for a way out of the tough life. I don't blame them because everyone should do what they can to secure their future. I just don't like how these Chinese men have been there for like two days and now African women are marrying them. I just want everyone here to understand that many East Asians are not fond of black people. These men were not going to get much anyway in China but I do believe on an individual basis they love these women.
Interracial marriage and children are a double edged sword. As an African I would hate for the continent of Africa to become Brazil. China is very well going to be doing some neo-colonial practices in these African countries. They are buying up land, building corporations, and shipping in their people. No one cares about those Africans who live on the continent. I am upset that Chinese people in Africa live way better than my uncles and aunts, and cousins. The Chinese government should have hired Africans to work in these corporations, that would have helped stimulate African economies. Because they do not view blacks as equal to whites or themselves they do not feel they should assist African economics. Which is partly the reason Hilary said that Africa should be careful. The other reason she said that is because there is a serious competition between China and the U.S. China is stimulating its own economy by doing what American corporations do on our land. Chinese people are in Africa because they're land and resources are depleted. Its very much possible that these mixed race children will be the dangerous medium between the indigenous blacks and emigrating Chinese. Africa is not America, those kids are not going to be "black" kids. Just look at South Africa, Whites come in, mate with the indigenous and now the blacks are a near permanent underclass on their own land.
The coloured race or mixed race may face discrimination and feel the sting of hate from both sides, but they are not put into subservience because of being African. The point I'm trying to make is that the Chinese are colonizing Africa and taking our resources. Its not exactly the same as if a white or Chinese man in America decided to marry a black woman here. And like QueenofNewCastle said below if these men were to leave they aint brining the wife and kids with them. I just want blacks to open their eyes to this world of integration and interracial marriage. It isn't what you think it is, when the world was f*cked for us in the first place.
 JustSaying... > *lb*rollingstone   3 years ago  
Umm....if black MEN never abused black WOMEN then other races of MEN never did either boo! *Face palm* If you are trying to say that black MEN have never collectively (but on an individual basis) abused black WOMEN then what sense does it make to say that other races of MEN have collectively abused black WOMEN. Jesus...*rolls eyes*
Haiti, the Congo, South Africa, various places here in America... who is more likely to abuse black women? That's right...black MEN (yes, the group).
Who is most likely to call a black woman ugly, fat, ghetto today? That's right...black men.
My suggestion to you is that you take a hard look around. I don't hate myself. Simply because I can see the damaged goods calling themselves men who happen to share my race doesn't make me self-hating. It makes me honest and aware.
The reality is black men today are black women's worse enemy. Not the white man. Not the Arab. Not the Asian. The black man! Show me where this is NOT true. Here in America it is a fact. You can look at statistics, violence, and crime rates to see it. In Africa it is also true. In most other places where black people are a large collective it is true.
So please....save the black nationalism for the white women you meet because I know the game.
 jamcangyal > JustSaying...   2 years ago  
As a black woman, I agree with you. Good for these women for finding love because black men certain do not love nor take care of the black woman. No bs excuses of being held back and nonsense. Based on that premise you will forever be held back if you don't teach yourself to look after your own instead of preying on your own kind like animals. Do you think that another race is going to hand anything to you, stop looking to another race for approval and do for self. Black men are disgusting filthy poor excuses for a man. I am a Canadian who visited the USA and was on my way back to Canada on the bus. I was conversing with two black men on the bus about issues faced by black people in America. Man 1 invited me to come off the bus and man 2 said to be right in front of man 1, whatever you do, do not get off this bus until you get to Canada. Who knows what that black dog animal would have done to me if I was na?ve. At least man 2 took It upon himself to worn me.

*lb*rollingstone > *lb*rollingstone   3 years ago  
@AfroStyling ur Nigerian? I'm Yoruba, hbu? Family in here huh. Well just to comment on your commentary, omo oyinbo, the white countries that well imperialist in these African countries did not just up and leave. They either took everything, technology and some helpful customs, and left or they make the masses believe they left and then keep close ties with the government. The U.S. and Britian are getting oil from Niger Delta, in the east where the Ibo live. Those Ibo are not benefiting from the oil, in fact I read an article that says they are dealing with BP like oil spills frequently. That is why there have been numerous news reports last decade of rebel groups and fighting around the oil rigs there. Because the West is using us and the people are unhappy. Its happening all over Africa. We Black Africans are not inherently lawless bad people. A lot of us are good, we are put into bad conditions and fight each other. Also look at how after Goodluck Jonathan was elected, there was fighting in the north. People want you to believe that its because of Islam and Christianity. We are not that simple, its only that people who will align themselves against each other based on tribe and religion and not the government. Same thing here in America. The Hausa and Fulani up north, a lot of them are struggling and maybe even slightly harder than the southern Nigerians like the Yoruba and Ibo. Its partly due to expansion of technology in the south being greater than the north. You are right though the leaders are corrupt. The one thing I have always hated about many black leaders is there dismissal of their people for their own good graces with white countries/people. I don't understand what goes through a leaders mind. Wouldn't you want to feel good by helping your people rise up. They are afraid of losing financial backing from Western countries. What they don't know is that we have all the materials needed to build Western like societies in Africa. We don't need to go out, the problem is they have no balls, and no morals. 
@Justsaying, while you are right in saying that the Asian men can give the African women better lives, its no accident that we black men can not help our own. This is all been designed. There is killing and political unrest in Africa because if people were united they would want to build, and if they build they will become independent. The west can not have that. Believe it or not the Chinese will not ever let the Africans get to the point where they make their own computers. If Africans make their own computers and cars, use their own money, create their own sustainable fuels and build up their own economy so that everyone has at least opportunity to eat, then the Chinese will lose an industry. I get the sense that you don't like black men and I have lurked this site before so I am almost certain. Why do you feel this way? Do you think that all black men are evil? We all should be punished and forgotten and lose our women and children? My father is from Africa and he is the best person I know. He is black, straight black, and so am I, and my family are amongst the best people I know. My father is caring and moral, ambitious and spiritual. He left Nigeria to pursue an education. He was here before my mother and gave us a platform. Do you know why he had to leave? Because of what Western European countries have done to our people, all of our people. This is no accident, do not try to make it seem like we are bad. Stop with the radical feminism. Black MEN have never ever ever, abused black WOMEN. A black MAN might have abused you, or your mother, or someone you know. But when you say black MEN, you include my father, who is nothing like you. The truth is you hate your race. You hate that you are black. You want to put Black Men down but you can not put the men down without putting down the women. Who took Black women from Africa?White men and arabic men. Who raped black women? White men and arabic men? Who tells you that you are ugly, that you ghetto, that you are dirt because you are different? White men, Arabic men, Asian men. Maybe now the times have changed and less people are under that brainwashed view. But don't think they love you wholesale. You are black and you should love and help your people. All the negative talk you say about black men, what will you feel for your son. Its people like you believe that we should all date out and marry others. If we do then, the negative stereotypes that black women face will just continue to stick until we are all fizzled out. We can help ourselves.
 JustSaying... > *lb*rollingstone   3 years ago  
Let's be honest...these women will more than likely have a BETTER existence with these Asian men than they would African black men. That is the truth. Asians can offer them a civilized technologically advanced society. They can offer their children better schools. Black African men cannot do any of the above. They are not BUILDERS. People here just need to face that reality. Sticking with them isn't going to change that.
Next if some of you people would take time out and actually you read I'm sure you would see the word MARRY in the title. That is not to be confused with the B.S. black men are on (i.e., babymama, co-habitation, screw buddy, multiple wives etc). Marriage is the ultimate commitment. It is the end game.
Next some here keep bringing up the threat of these Asian men abandoning their children and these black women. Please let's cut to nonsense! These women don't have anything to lose by hooking up with Asian men. Why? Because the men of their race and country leave MUCH to be desired. It is these individuals that have abused, abandoned, raped, humiliated, etc these women. Any abuse they MIGHT face at the hands of Asian men will probably be minor to the CENTURIES of abuse they've faced from black men.






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