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UK was 'sick man of Europe' Now we're racing ahead

已有 137 次阅读2017-4-8 10:40 |个人分类:英国

UK was 'sick man of Europe' Now we're racing ahead - we must LEAVE, says BORIS JOHNSON

ONCE Britain was known as the ‘sick man of Europe’. Now our nation is racing ahead economically and has no need of the failing European Union.

GBoris Johnson believes that Britain is poised for a new age of confidence

The fundamental choice in this referendum is between people who believe our country is capable of running itself and people who want to outsource our future to unelected Brussels bureaucrats. 


My view is that Britain is poised for a new age of confidence. 

On June 23 we have the chance to take back control of our destiny and our place in the world. With control of our trade, our borders and our democracy we can prosper as never before. We are ready. 

Our economy is the fifth biggest in the world and we do more of our trade beyond Europe than any other EU member state except Malta. 

This country has always been at its greatest when we’ve looked outward, when we’ve steered a course for freedom and exploration – the great Elizabethan age, the Industrial Revolution, the spirit of Churchill. 

That was not the Britain which joined the Common Market in 1973. Europe was streaking ahead. The bulldog had lost its bounce. It was the year of power cuts and butter coupons for pensioners. 


Winston Churchill inspired the British to never accept defeat

On the day we joined they even managed to hoist the Union Jack upside down over Brussels, a signal for a ship in distress. 

We should have been worried. Now Britain is back. Free of the euro, we have raced ahead of the continent and beyond it. Less than half our exports go to the EU and the share is falling. 

Ignore the pessimists from Remain who tell us we have no alternative to this economic misery zone that has left half of all young Greeks jobless. 

The EU is the global laggard, its economy growing more slowly than any continent except Antarctica. We could do even better if we shook off the remaining Brussels fetters. 

The EU imposes uncontrolled migration from Europe. It stops us negotiating the free trade with the world that would bring new jobs and prosperity. 

Its unelected officials crank out six in 10 of our laws. Then they charge us an eyewatering membership fee of £350million a week. 

After the British people vote to leave and take back control, we will get back all that money to spend on our priorities such as the NHS and cutting VAT on energy bills for pensioners – which the EU, you won’t be surprised to know, forbids us from doing. 

By taking back control of our borders we can finally get a grip on migration from Europe. 

In 2015, 270,000 people came to Britain from the EU, that is like adding a city the size of Newcastle every year. 

Reducing the number of migrants will make life easier for young people struggling to get on the housing ladder. Less immigration will help people on the lowest incomes the most.

They are the ones who are hit hardest when companies bring in cheap labour from Europe. The alternative, to stay in the EU, means having no chance of controlling numbers. 

It is likely to get worse, with nearly 90 million people from Turkey and four Balkan countries being lined up for EU membership and free movement. 

That will bring competition for jobs and pressures on hospitals, schools and housing that we can only guess at. 

I’m pro immigration but it has to be controlled and it must be done with the consent of the British people. 


Brexiteers join Tory MPs Michael Gove and Boris Johnson at a rally in support of the Leave campaign

Like many others, I was optimistic the Prime Minister would win a good deal in his renegotiation with Brussels. 

Sadly, it wasn’t to be. If we stay, the EU will be after extra cash from us, not least to bail out the euro. 

We beg to give them less, they demand we hand over more. It would baffle Oliver Twist. We should remain good friends and neighbours and carry on trading as before with our European friends. 

But for Britain, the EU has had its chance and it has had its day. 

The Remain camp will not get away with running Britain down by saying we can’t manage our own country. 

I believe Britain will have the confidence to take back control and Vote Leave tomorrow.

279 days ago
Can Boris sit down with those pants on fire ?
290 days ago
Cameron has no faith in his own country so must step down. In a less forgiving age he would be in the Tower which quite a lot of us feel would be no more than he deserved.
Take our country back out of the hands of unelected officials and show the spirit we often showed in the past. It is still there but has laid dormant and so it is time to wake it up and rely on our own efforts. Vote leave and show the faint hearts what we are made of. 
290 days ago
Patriotic defender
We stand on the threshold of a new dawn the rest of the world is calling us to come and trad e with them in an open and democratic way. We are STRONG enough, We are GOOD enough, We are better off OUT. I pray the good people of this country will stand up and make her voice herd. God save the Queen and yes to Independence  
279 days ago
keep up the wishfull thinking, most are migrating to Ireland or France.
290 days ago

The British people instinctively know that the awful, undemocratic, corrupt european union is not for them.

The only people that favour giving up their freedom are those in receipt of eu money.

The joke is that it's OUR money they're dishing out.

Mass immigration = More people = More pollution, overcrowded schools, hospitals and roads, country side built on to house newcomers (one new home every 12 minutes needed

just to house migrants), loss of sovereignty and unique way of life.

Vote LEAVE tomorrow and 'Let's Get Our Country and Our Self Respect Back'.


290 days ago
 TO Sushil Michael Vig you sir are at TOTAL NUMPTY
290 days ago
Sushil Michael Vig

A  LEAP IN  THE  DARK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A  leap in the dark with Boris Johnson could drop us in the Land of National Nightmares.

Just after the referendum in Scotland, when Scottish people decided to remain as part of the U.K and SNP was feeling the impact of defeat and was subdued, Boris Johnson muscled in with one of his jokes and the worst political speech of our times.

That was the time when we had to comfort nearly half of the Scottish voters who supported SNP and assure them that the right decision was made and that Scotland will have an honoured place and a major role to play within the U.K.

Boris Johnson boasted of throwing Salmond in the sea. I have a very large number of links in Scotland, all dedicated supporters of  U.K, and every single one of them felt insulted, humiliated and left wondering if this was the shape of things to come from London.

It was so undiplomatic, so uncaring and so alien to the British character that the support for the SNP surged dramatically ahead.

Boris Johnson managed to do all this within a few minutes of diatribe.

 Th ethought of this man replacing a great Prime Minister like David Cameron is not just cringe making, its sick making.

290 days ago
I do not think Cameron is by any means a GREAT prime minister....but I KNOW that Johnson is an utter reprobate and a disgusting charlatan of the very worst kind.Even his friends,relatives and colleagues WARN STRONGLY AGAINST TRUSTING THIS APPALLING CON MAN.  Just Google  EU REFERENDUM THE JOHNSON SAGA CONTINUES
290 days ago
Sean Beardmore

Our Last Chance To Be Free

We joined the common market through an orchestrated and well planned operation based on the deceitful and dishonest promises of Edward Heath. The same methods of deceit,dishonesty and manipulation are now being employed by Cameron and his loyal traitors, frightening and pushing us even deeper into a federal European United States where we will no longer have any control of our destiny.

Anyone with a minimum knowledge of the workings of the EU can clearly see what is coming, and the lies and the hidden agenda will quickly be revealed should the honest people of this nation be duped into voting to stay.

The treacherous politicians with their international corporate giants,backed by powerful lobbies will continue to act, impoverishing and ignoring the working class,increasing difficulties and complications for small and medium sized companies, while at the same time confiscating our democratic rights through stealth and manipulation.

While both sides fight over aspects of immigration and the economy, the most important and fundamental question is sovereignty - without sovereignty you have absolutely no control or decision on any of these subjects, or in fact any other subject that will impact on our lives.

Sovereignty is the equivalent of your soul, it is the soul of our nation and not be given away under any circumstances. No group or person whoever they may be have the legitimate authority to take way or offer the  sovereignty of our nation to foreign powers or organisations.

It is not important whether you like or dislike the personalities leading the campaign to leave the EU, what is important is that they, and only they, have proudly taken on the most noble cause of battling to retrieve the full power of our sovereignty that has been eroded,chipped and given away through successive governments to the unelected and unaccountable eurocrats -all this with no thought for you, your children or future generations.

Historically Great Britain as an independent nation has been dynamic, innovative and resourceful and openly connected with the world for trade, humanitarian aid and social well being. These are still the characteristics of our nation and tomorrow once free, we can with collective enthusiasm go out and conquer the world.

Let us not be a diluted unidentifiable entity controlled by a faceless overwhelming undemocratic power determined to erase our identity and all that we value for the sake of a group of egocentric dictators in Brussels striving to create a European superstate at any cost.

Reflect profoundly before you vote tomorrow,it is the most important day of not only your life, but the whole of Great Britain – and please I beg you, don’t give away the soul ofour nation.

                                                 Be proud and VOTE LEAVE.

290 days ago
Many of us have discussed this....and we would vote LEAVE....all things being equal.....but we simply cannot countenance the appalling prospect of the wretched charlatan Johnson getting ANYWHERE NEAR a position of power afterwards.We have asked for him to be removed from the LEAVE campaign....and we have been ignored.What do you expect us to do when our genuine and proper concerns are IGNORED..so as to allow an irresponsible power hungry buffoon to peddle his lies?Why did LEAVE allow this?Have they NO RESPECT AT ALL FOR DECENT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LEAVE....BUT DO NOT WANT THEIR COUNTRY TAKEN OVER BY A DISGRACED AND WELL PROVEN CON MAN?
288 days ago
the fatch
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Rather Boris than the junta in Brussels.
290 days ago

I wonder if Mr Cameron has ever considered that by accusing the leading Brexiters of wanting to take the UK into a foreseeable catastrophe he is accusing them of treason.

279 days ago
fait enough , it was based on lies
290 days ago
The EU will destroy and bankrupt every country under it's control. How many times has Greece been bailed out? Spain, Italy and France to name just three are in constant financial difficulties. Do we serious want to be pulled down with the rest of them, When Brussels suddenly demands another £12 Billion from us because it got it's budget wrong will our spineless PM cave in and pay up, as he no doubt did last time?
290 days ago
27 other countries in the EU, 500 million people, half of these countries bankrupt, shrinking economies compared with growth across the world! 

The world, another 170 countries, 7 billion inhabitants, that what you call a market.

Even our old commonwealth markets have more than 2 billion inhabitants whom we always traditionally traded, these are far more lucrative markets than the EU. 

Vote out out out
290 days ago
Cameron and Osborne have made no Brexit plans so do they think they have fixed it ? If we vote to  leave overwhelmingly on a huge scale they will be unable to control the outcome.
290 days ago
I to don't want the UK sitting in the back seat of the car and always being and also ran at the mercy of what the EU dishes out to us.
290 days ago
Remain camp talk about the economy and jobs without any understanding that Britain's economy is the disposable income it generates, if its repatriated by migrant labour from the EU its European economies that benefits from these British jobs. We pick up the social costs and have to employ them to accommodate their own in Britain.      
290 days ago
It proves beyond any doubt the lack of substance in the REMAIN camp !
They keep asking and asking the LEAVE camp of ''a plan'' !
Are they too dense to realise it is  H M G  that has to have the plan,  NOT  the LEAVE camp.  
GO  ASK   YOUR  P.M. what plan  HE has !

Help !!!!!

290 days ago
The Political Party that Votes Leave with the People will be the next Government.
290 days ago
Not too sure about that, although the REMAIN campaigners should be reshuffled !

290 days ago
They represent their party as always for self preservation and not the country.
290 days ago
Our country democracy and future generations are at stake here its that serious.
290 days ago
Back on for a Brexit. Well done Boris and team.
290 days ago
For what it's worth, a nice poll on the DT website.  Over 626,000 votes cast and 71% in favour of Leave.  Unscientific some would say, but it sounds good to me. 
290 days ago
India Canada Australia.......in fact most of the civilised world must think weve gone bonkers...hell bent on self destruction.
290 days ago
Think again, EU is miniscule to the future potential to BRICS and group of 77. Stay clear of countries contaminated by American trade deals. Youtube - "TTIP, TISA Explained" by Wikileaks.
290 days ago
it will be rigged and cam should be forced out either way and that poster looks like a country moving into another country if we stay in it will get worse and if australia can do it then the UK can stand on its own two feet VOTE LEAVE . 
291 days ago
unreconstruted 1
No surrender to the the fascist EU  There was no surrender  1914/1918  1939/1942  to the German  Nazi state  Or will this generation give up our hard fight  to still be a nation with our own destiny decide by the British public    Or   follow Vidun Quisling  Vichy Chamberlain KAMERON To end what little independence we have left  Vote OUT 
291 days ago
A testimony on how EU rules have affected our daily life

Living in France , I would like to share with you a few facts based on a 20 year daily experience of living under EU law.
The EU unelected commission , its executive head ,  has imposed drastic work regulations : less coverage for even permanent long-term contract workers  , lower wages , greater precarity . We had to regularly put up with such reforms in the last 10 years imposed by our national government at EU request without any democratic debate or referendum.
I I could go 20 years back and still be given the opportunity to express an opinion on the matter , I wouldn't hesitate to LEAVE while I still can .
we were not clearly informed then by our politics about what EU membership would entail so voted REMAIN convinced economy would benefit and everyone in consequence.
From what I've read and heard in British medias  , you seem pretty much to be in the same ordeal.
Leaving the EU would not affect trade or tourism.If it affects it , it would be to the advantage of UK citizens paying lower prices abroad with a stronger economy.
What is at stake is not economic but DEMOCRATIC  , about the citizens' rights to choose for themselves regarding work , health or education .
these last two key public services regularly come under attack when they should be protected under EU legislation.
So tread carefully!!!
When will you have another opportunity to stand for your rights?
291 days ago
Boris the bodger is Cameron the c---ts Plan B he will u turn and keep us shackled to the E
291 days ago
Boris is playing both sides just like CAMERON did when we voted him  in and he said he would get rid of the EU.
WELL DID THAT WORK FOR YOU ....Just an out and out scam.
TORIES LIBTARDS AND LABOUR will stop at nothing at fraudulently forcing this eu cesspit on us.
Post BREXIT we need a commission made up of brexiteers of all political persuasions to ACTUALLY get us out.
I guarantee you if you vote BORIS in and Tories they will do a u turn and screw us again
291 days ago
Suppose it were CERTAIN that our leaving would result in dreadful economic decline (not that it would, but let's imagine it). I would STILL vote Brexit and urge everyone else to do likewise. Remember how WW II wrecked our economy? (Remember food rationing?) Its echoes continue to resonate. Yet, we hauled ourselves out of the mire without the help of France, Germany, Belgium (!), Italy, Poland and ......... to become the country the EU blokes so desperately wish to have as a 'partner' and to control. Remain chaps, for once in your lives try to THINK. 
290 days ago
"Brexit movie" on youtube goes unanswered by the remain group.
289 days ago
a realist
What about the Marshall Plan?
289 days ago
What about it?
291 days ago
getting and can't bloody wait.
291 days ago
ONCE Britain was known as the ‘sick man of Europe’. Now our nation is racing ahead economically. JOHNSON wrote it and for some reason he forgot that it was when we were in the EU that we became so successful. The time we were the sick man of Europe was before and during the first 15 years of entering the EU. But once in and establish we flourish as a country.   1) NOW HE WANTS US TO LEAVE so we can go back to  be THE SICK MAN OF EUROPE. WHY?   2) If he gets it wrong he will go on the radio and say sorry. How will that help the unemployed and economy.   3) We need MEPs and MPs who fight to change the EU not run away from it. Vote REMAIN TOMORROW and look after the UK.
290 days ago
Racing ahead  DESPITE the EU,  NOT  because !!!
290 days ago
We need a definition of racing, keeping ahead of deflation and stagnation is not a race. 
290 days ago
The sick man of Europe caused by the unions and poor management of companies. Thanks to Thatcher we broke the power the union Luddites from holding the country to ransom. Workers rights are good but unions are not when they bankrupt companies or countries.
288 days ago
the fatch
The only way the EU will ever change is 'ever closer union' giving more control to the junta in Brussels.
291 days ago
Go Boris Go!!!!   TWO More Days Of EU Dominance, Then Freedom!!!  
291 days ago
Boris just eats these rank amateurs alive! 
291 days ago
This is the time YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU, don't let FUTURE GENERATION'S DOWN, to stay in the EU  will destroy BRITAIN, Million's died to keep this Country for you.
291 days ago
unreconstruted 1
Well said and so true Many died soldier and civilians  freeing  Europe   not to be part of some German  super state 
291 days ago
Sadiq Khan was very aggressive and arrogant, as were his two female backers. They had almost no agenda except to call their opponents liars. What a revealing fact! The more one shouts, the less substance and confidence in one's chosen course one has. Talk about project hate... there is no trace of it in Gove, Johnson or any other leading Out campaigners. But at Wembly it was clear to see where the hate was NOT coming from. 
291 days ago
jo was like myself a normal person who has always looked out for others and not themselves
it’s very simple most people are normal and decent and throughout my 50 years of travel that is how i have found people

there are small pockets of selfish bitter people however scattered across the uk and wider world i know iv’e met them’ they have always been OK with me thou and have always parted on good terms

most people when they go and vote will think like Jo and i of others and not themselves making sure the future will be for the in group and for a united Europe 

Having this country run with the likes of Boris Johnson and all of the other 70 or so conservative mp's sounds like a big disaster as they should in reality be fighting this brexit campaign from a ukip perspective and not a conservative one 
This comment has been deleted
291 days ago
Too many still asleep, some waking up now but many never will/
290 days ago
Wrong, we do not have a Liebour Govmnt. ! FACT !






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