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Germany's Anti-Keynesianism Has Brought Europe to Its Knees

已有 308 次阅读2017-10-9 05:15 |个人分类:德国

How Germany’s Anti-Keynesianism Has Brought Europe to Its Knees  

by  J?rg Bibow Levy Economics Institute of Bard College*   March 2017   
* Comments on an earlier draft by Hélène de Largentaye and James Trevithick are gratefully acknowledged.   

The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper Collection presents research in progress by Levy Institute scholars and conference participants. The purpose of the series is to disseminate ideas to and elicit comments from academics and professionals.  
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, founded in 1986, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, independently funded research organization devoted to public service. Through scholarship and economic research it generates viable, effective public policy responses to important economic problems that profoundly affect the quality of life in the United States and abroad.  


This paper investigates the (lack of any lasting) impact of John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory on economic policymaking in Germany. The analysis highlights the interplay between economic history and the history of ideas in shaping policymaking in postwar (West) Germany. The paper argues that Germany learned the wrong lessons from its own history and misread the true sources of its postwar success. Monetary mythology and the Bundesbank, with its distinctive anti-inflationary bias, feature prominently in this collective odyssey. The analysis shows that the crisis of the euro today is largely the consequence of Germany’s peculiar anti-Keynesianism.   


      It is no longer any secret that there is something peculiar about Germany in matters of economic policy: the country seems to be seriously at odds with macroeconomics.1 In Germany, macroeconomic policy appears to boil down to just two things: austerity and price stability. Certainly in recent years Germany was at the forefront of the voices pushing for austerity in the midst of a major slump plaguing the eurozone, asserting that austerity boosts confidence and hence growth (Sch?uble 2010, 2011). Internationally this hypothesis is known as “expansionary fiscal contraction” (Guarjardo et al. 2011; Blyth 2013; Perotti 2014). Earlier it was also known as “the German view,” at least in the country in which it gained popularity among economists and policymakers in the early 1980s (Fels and Froehlich 1987; Hellwig and Neumann 1987).   
      According to a widely held view, Germans care more about price stability than anybody else in the world. The “ghost of Weimar” seems to have given rise to a general fear of debt (Schulden, the German word for debt, is related to guilt) and a peculiar German “stability culture.” As a related matter, Germans deeply adored their deutschmark and are still harboring similar feelings for its old-time guardian, the Bundesbank. So much so that this public love affair prompted Jacques Delors to proclaim that: “Not all Germans believe in God, but they all believe in the Bundesbank” (quoted in Issing 2008: 23).   
There is something distinctively “anti-Keynesian” about these German peculiarities, the roots of which this paper sets out to explore. The objective is to show how Germany’s anti-Keynesianism is related to today’s euro crisis, which is part of the European Union’s “existential crisis” and relevant well beyond Europe.
      We find that Germany has thoroughly misunderstood its own economic history and learned the wrong lessons from it. Germany has misconstrued the true sources of its postwar success and developed an economic policy philosophy that is fundamentally ill-suited for Europe as a whole.   
What we describe as the “German model” requires others to behave differently from Germany. The model worked for (West) Germany because and as long as its partners behaved differently. The trouble with the euro is that the “Maastricht regime” of economic and monetary union (EMU) required all partners to become like Germany. In other words, the euro was built on a “fallacy of composition,” an error of logic highlighted in Keynes’s invention of macroeconomics. Making matters worse still, when the German model stopped working for Germany, Germany’s knee-jerk reaction was to “restore” its competitiveness.     Committing this blunder under the euro was what brought Europe to its knees.   
       Section 2 offers a brief economic history of Germany up to 1948. Section 3 discusses the German school of economics known as ordoliberalism as a factor that hindered any lasting triumph of Keynesianism in Germany. West Germany’s postwar economic history and the German model are the subject of section 4, while section 5 highlights the impact of German unification and German ideas on Europe’s EMU. Section 6 depicts Germany’s role in causing the euro crisis. Section 7 concludes.   


      Germany’s economic history prior to 1948 was extraordinarily “rich.” That is to say, Germany experienced many extremes, in fact a whole variety of economic calamities. Twice, in the aftermath of (lost) world wars, Germany also had foreign masters decisively impacting its own fate. It is quite easy to identify the respective policy mistakes that caused or aggravated the various dismal episodes the country went through. The point is that Germany’s economic history of calamities and policy blunders was mixed and “symmetric”—symmetric in the sense that errors and experiences were actually of opposing kinds.   
This is important because Germany’s “symmetric,” in this sense, historic reality starkly conflicts with the popular and official German historical narrative, which is rather asymmetric: one-sided and very selective. According to the official-popular narrative, Germany seems to have suffered only one kind of calamity, and repeatedly so.   
      The hypothesis presented here is that the peculiarly one-sided historical narrative represents an important force behind Germany’s strangely one-sided policy preferences: priority for austerity and price stability at all times. The official-popular historical narrative provides inspiration and justification (or excuse) for Germany’s odd views on macro policy today.   
It is also possible to identify at least one important player, if not the mastermind, behind Germany’s strangely asymmetric historical narrative (Bibow 2010).3 The Bundesbank skillfully nourished the asymmetric narrative, since it served its own position and reputation as “guardian of the currency” and guarantor of stability in Germany rather well. The Bundesbank enjoys an international reputation as an inflation hawk, a central bank with a strong anti-inflationary bias (Hayo 1998). This strong anti-inflationary policy bias is the counterpart to Germany’s strongly biased (asymmetric) historical narrative. In fact, the Bundesbank’s fame is closely tied up with what I have also dubbed Germany’s “monetary mythology” (or: “Bundesbank mythology”; see Bibow [2013d]).   
      Importantly, Bundesbank mythology not only served the Bundesbank itself rather well, but also used to help rather than hinder Germany’s economic performance. From the perspective of economic theory, the challenge is to explain how the Bundesbank’s famous policy bias was conducive to good performance in former times, but then became a liability in later times. More precisely, how did “the German model” work for (West) Germany under the deutschmark? Why did the model stop working under the euro? And how is all this related to today’s crisis in Europe?  
      We begin by looking at two examples of German history that illustrate the peculiar asymmetry in Germany’s official-popular historical narrative: one concerns foreign debt, the other price level instability.   
Germany faced challenges related to foreign indebtedness following both world wars. In each case, victorious foreign powers exercised a decisive influence over Germany’s postwar destiny, including by their treatment of Germany’s foreign indebtedness.   
      Following WWI, the victors imposed harsh reparations on Germany. Because of the lost war, Germany was saddled with huge foreign debts. Keynes had participated in the negotiations of the peace treaty at Versailles as a representative of the British Treasury. As it became clear what kind of shape the “peace” handed to Germany would take, he resigned from his position in disgust and set out to write his first work of world fame: “The Economic Consequences of the Peace” (1919), in which he severely criticized the victors for imposing what he considered counterproductively harsh reparations on a defeated Germany. In Keynes’s view, the victors had not quite understood what they were demanding. By requiring Germany to generate huge trade surpluses (to enable the country to repay its foreign debts), its trade partners would also have to accept the opposite kind of adjustments to their own economies. In the end, Keynes feared, the flawed peace treaty would prevent Europe from properly recovering, and only lead to more hardship, instability, and renewed hostilities.   
      In retrospect, it seems all too clear how prescient Keynes’s warnings were.4 Reparations were not the only reason for the Weimar Republic’s persistent economic and political instabilities. But  they were an important part of the forces that led, in turn, to hyperinflation, banking crises and depression, the demise of democracy and rise of Hitler, and WWII.   
      For Germany, WWII and Hitler’s “total war” meant total defeat. The country ceased to exist; it was divided and occupied. And yet, much in contrast to the treatment received after WWI, this time around, the victors soon came to lend a supportive hand to West Germany, newly established in 1949. It is true that more than empathy and generosity were at play. The geopolitical constellation favored a more constructive and cooperative approach to reconstruction in Western Europe. But in purely economic terms it can hardly be overemphasized that the United States’s “Government Aid and Relief in Occupied Areas” program and “Marshall Plan” (1948–52), which provided sizeable transfers to West Germany during the early years, as well as the London debt agreement of 1952–53, which forgave about half of Germany’s foreign debt, helped West Germany enormously in turning itself into a prosperous country and stable democracy in subsequent decades (De Long and Eichengreen 1993; Galofré-Vilà et al. 2016).   
The burden of foreign debt and its treatment in these two episodes illustrates well what I mean by Germany having had “symmetric” experiences with this type of calamity. Clearly some policy approaches are more constructive than others; some are downright counterproductive and ultimately even harm those who inflict undue harshness and punishment.   
      It is in this light—the light of Germany’s own mixed but symmetric experience with foreign indebtedness and debt forgiveness—that the modern reader is invited to reflect upon Germany’s role in the ongoing eurozone crisis, Germany’s barbaric treatment of Greece in particular. How can we understand modern Germany’s treatment of Greece? What kind of lessons did Germany learn from its own history (Ritschl 2011, 2012)? Does Germany think that its own treatment after WWI was somehow superior to its later one?   
      The second example is as illustrative and puzzling as the previous example. In the first half of the 20th century, Germany experienced extreme price level instability and currency crises. But, again, Germany experienced symmetry: first hyperinflation in 1922–23, and then deflation during the Great Depression of 1929–33. And, yet, the official-popular narrative features asymmetry. Apparently Germany only suffered one kind of calamity, one type of disorder: hyperinflation.   
Consider the comments of the late Hans Tietmeyer, life-long government official and Bundesbank president from 1993 until 1999. According to Tietmeyer (1991):   
      The reasons for the success of German monetary policy in defending price stability are in part historical. The experience gained twice with hyperinflation in the first half of this century has helped to develop a special sensitivity to inflation and has caused the wider public to believe in the critical importance of monetary stability in Germany. For this reason, the strong position of the Bundesbank is widely accepted by the general public—questioning its independence even seems to be a national taboo. This social consensus has yielded strong support for the policy of the Bundesbank.  
      Note that Tietmeyer refers to Germany’s monetary history but does not mention deflation. Instead, Germany (allegedly) suffered not just one, but two hyperinflations. He also describes a tight connection between this historical hyperinflation experience “gained twice” and the special position in Germany gained by the Bundesbank.   
      Of course Germany did not suffer any second hyperinflation. It was just that when Germany went under as a result of a lost total war, the German currency went under with it. This meant that it was left to the new government of the newly established West Germany to find a political (re-)distributional compromise when organizing a fresh start.5 To concoct a narrative around any specific loss and special worthiness of “the German saver”6 in the context of the all-pervasive human grief and destruction of WWII is economic nonsense and sickening political hypocrisy. To see a public figure like Tietmeyer utter this kind of nonsense is a national disgrace that should be treated as a criminal offence. Of course it is not, as this kind of “currency denial” seems to suit certain interests rather well.   
      So much for the former Bundesbank president. Consider next another German official, Wolfgang Sch?uble, Germany’s finance minister from 2009 until today. He made the following remark in the context of international controversy (among G20 member countries) about the fast return to austerity in 2010, which was aggressively pushed for by Germany. According to Sch?uble (2010) there are:   
      [T]wo different approaches to economic policymaking on each side of the Atlantic. While US policymakers like to focus on short-term corrective measures, we take the longer view and are, therefore, more preoccupied with the implications of excessive deficits and the dangers of high inflation. So are German consumers. This aversion to deficits and inflationary fears, which have their roots in German history in the past century, may appear peculiar to our American friends, whose economic culture is, in part, shaped by deflationary episodes. Yet these fears are among the most potent factors of consumption and saving rates in our country. Seeking to engineer more domestic demand by raising government borrowing even further would, here at least, be counterproductive. On the contrary, restoring confidence in our ability to cut the deficit is a prerequisite for balanced and sustainable growth.   
      Note that Sch?uble, too, refers to German history, which was special and remains of special importance to economic policymaking in Germany today. Germans are said to have a special aversion to deficits and inflation. American economic culture, by contrast, was also shaped by “deflationary episodes.”   
      To repeat, Germany experienced both: hyperinflation and deflation. In fact, the economic hardship caused by the Great Depression was quite as bad in Germany as in the US; Hitler’s Nazi movement saw little gains in popularity until unemployment soared after 1929 (Johnson 1998). So, politically the consequences of the Great Depression in Germany were far worse than in the US: the US got FDR, Germany got Hitler. But German economic culture was apparently not shaped by deflationary episodes.    
      The sad truth is that Sch?uble is actually making a valid point, not about historical realities, of course, but about Germany’s monetary mythology, and the official-popular historical narrative that has shaped German economic culture in the post-WWII era.   
This mythology is all-pervasive, and a very effective form of indoctrination. In Germany, the “stability culture” socialization starts in kindergarten. Thanks to constant repetition by the media, Germans constantly inhale Bundesbank mythology. Its key feature is asymmetry. Germany suffered two hyperinflations within one generation and nothing else, apparently. Therefore, inflation must be prevented above all else—which conveniently justifies the Bundesbank’s strong “anti-inflationary bias.” We Germans learned our lesson. Hence we prioritize price stability and praise the Bundesbank. We are special and, because of our history, we have every right to be special. We also have a lot of wisdom to teach others about our national blunders and successes. We know very well that debt gets a country into trouble and therefore must be avoided above all else, as well (even if we may be a little forgetful at times about the forgiveness granted to us in this regard). In addition, we also know that price stability never does any harm to growth but actually causes growth—as that has been our own post-WWII experience (on which more in a moment).   
      I may add here that Germany’s economic journalism is quite exceptionally poor and Germany’s economics profession mediocre. Of course, the socialization of German journalists and economists also happens within the national climate of monetary mythology described above (Hayo and Neumeier 2016). With such effective indoctrination, there is little room for thinkers and nonbelievers.   
As I already suggested above, the Bundesbank, that central bank that is better than God, has been a key proponent (if not the mastermind) behind this peculiar German mythology. A related and rather interesting fact is that the German Reichsbank was actually an “independent central bank” during both extreme episodes: the Weimar hyperinflation of 1922–23, and deflation of the early 1930s (Holtfrerich 1988). So one could rightly argue that Germany’s experience with central bank independence was actually very poor, with symmetry describing the kind of failures produced; as did, for instance, Herbert Giersch, the godfather of “supply-side economics” in West Germany (see Giersch and Lehment 1981).  
So here is another puzzle (or two) then. How did Germans come to see central bank independence as such an inherent part of their perceived economic success and peculiar stability culture? And how did (West) Germany end up with an independent central bank in the first place?   
      The issue of central bank independence has been woven into Bundesbank mythology in an intriguing way. We will only be able to answer the first question fully once we have appreciated the substance of the “German model.” About the second question there exists some confusion and controversy.  
I will be brief here.7 The Bank deutscher L?nder (BdL), the forerunner of the Bundesbank, was established by the occupying Allies in March 1948. This was before West Germany and its federal government even existed (which happened in September 1949). The motivation for establishing the BdL was the launch of the deutschmark and the currency reform of June 20, 1948. Again, all this was before West Germany was established and its federal government even existed. As a result, the BdL enjoyed a head start in establishing its reputation as guarantor of stability and growth. In the minds of war-torn Germans, the deutschmark quickly became associated with the “economic miracle” that started in June 1948.   
      Obviously, the BdL was independent of any—initially nonexistent!—German federal government. Instead, it was under the comprehensive control of the Allied occupation forces. In the context of establishing the Besatzungsstatut (occupation statute), the Allies then asked the new German government to establish their own desired form of control over the central bank before they would relinquish their control. This happened provisionally in 1951 with the so- called ?bergangsgesetz (interim law). The political fight over the independence of the central bank and its mandate lasted for almost a decade in West Germany. It only ended with the Bundesbank Law of 1957.  

      Initially, there was considerable opposition to granting the central bank independence, including from German industry, from within the economics profession, and particularly from within the government itself. Having enjoyed a head start, however, central bankers played their cards well. Fights inside the government went in their favor, too. The central bankers were not shy about provoking public conflicts with the government if this could be exploited to foster their own reputation (as “guardian of stability”; see Goodman [1992]; Henning [1994]; Johnson [1998]; Kaltenthaler [1998]; Marsh [1992]). Until the arrival of the euro, the Bundesbank had another 40 years to foster its “untouchable” status (and nourish Germany’s peculiar monetary mythology along the way).   
      Much later, in the 1980s and 90s, the economics profession generally got very fond of price stability and the concept of central bank independence. It became conventional wisdom that inflation targeting was best executed by an independent central bank. The new dogma reached the Bank of England in due course. Mervin King, Bank of England governor from 2003 until 2013 and himself a great fan of inflation targeting, once remarked (half-mockingly) that central bank independence might also carry a risk in the form of “inflation nutters.” In Germany, by modern tradition, “inflation nutters” are highly respectable (in fact the norm), and a precondition for becoming a Bundesbanker—guardian of Germany’s monetary mythology as much as of its “stability culture.”   

      It is not true that Keynes and Keynesianism have never reached Germany. Keynes was a well- known and highly respected economist in Germany ever since the publication of “The Economic Consequences of the Peace” (Keynes 1919). He paid various visits to Germany to give speeches and/or meet with public figures, including Reichskanzler Heinrich Brüning in January 1932. At that time, Keynes’s (1930) Treatise on Money was widely discussed in German academia. Keynes engaged with numerous leading German economists on the nature, causes, and consequences of the business (or: credit) cycles.   

His contribution to the Spiethoff Festschrift, published in 1933 and titled “A monetary theory of production,” Keynes essentially sketched his plan and ambitions for The General Theory, marking a watershed. For by the time the General Theory was published in 1936, both in its original version and translated into German, almost all the German economists who had engaged in the discussion of the earlier Treatise had either fled the country, gleichgeschaltet (i.e., collaborated with the Nazi regime), or operated in a kind of internal exile (Hagemann 2016).8   
As it happened, “ordoliberalism” emerged as a product of internal exile under the Nazi regime. Walter Eucken (1892–1950), the leader of the “Freiburg School” of ordoliberalism, risked his life by opposing the Nazis.9 During the war, this peculiar German branch of the neoliberal movement of the 1930s developed plans for the postwar Wirtschaftsordnung (economic order; “ordo” in Greek) to be established in Germany. In a way, it is not very surprising that the ordoliberals developed a strong dislike of any form of “interventionism,” “experimentation,” “command economy” (Planwirtschaft), or central planning, which they associated either with the horrors of the Nazi regime and/or the instability of the Weimar Republic. It was their Nazi regime experience and the earlier chaos of the Weimar Republic that framed their perception of Keynes’s General Theory as excessively and dangerously interventionistic (James 1989)— providing ordoliberalism with a distinctive anti-Keynesian flavor from the start.10    
Put in a nutshell, ordoliberlism envisions a strong state as the force that establishes and guards the market order, but refrains from interfering in market processes. Interfering in market processes constitutes interventionism, which is rejected. But ordoliberals also reject laissez-faire (classical) liberalism, which they associate with the concentration and abuse of private power in the presence of a weak state. The historical background here is the late industrialization of  Germany in the 19th century, and the militarism that ensued, which nourished wars and the suppression of personal liberties (Hutchison 1979; Rieter and Schmolz 1993).

So the strong state has a key role to play in establishing the market order, safeguarding competition, offsetting externalities, and even organizing some income redistribution. But it is essential to maintain a well-functioning price mechanism and not interfere with it—provided a proper order was set up that prevents the concentration and abuse of private power.   
According to Eucken (1940, 1952), a well-functioning price mechanism presupposes currency stability. He therefore declared the “primacy of currency policy” (Primat der W?hrungspolitik) as a vital complement to establishing a competitive market order. In general, ordoliberals and the Bundesbank make a lot of buzz about this “primacy.” In my view, Eucken’s concern for price stability is little different from Keynes’s (1923) emphasis on that very matter in his Tract on Monetary Reform. But whereas Keynes concluded that a “managed currency was inevitable,” Eucken favored implanting some “automatic stabilizer” into the monetary order. In other words, Eucken outright rejected any discretion on the part of central bankers, which Keynes considered unavoidable. In fact, Eucken was dreaming of some “rational automatism” or monetary rule that would preclude any central bank discretion.   
Let me add that Eucken’s policy preferences in this regard were not based on any deep understanding of monetary theory. His monetary thought was based on primitive quantity theoretic ideas. Eucken had no comprehension of Keynes’s far-more sophisticated monetary theory developed in the Treatise and General Theory. Eucken also had no clear concept of fiscal policy and no real grasp of systematic macroeconomic stabilization policy. On the other hand, he was pragmatic enough to favor fiscal stimulus over catastrophe in the early 1930s (Feld, K?hler, and Nientiedt 2015).   
Eucken’s views were shaped by history, by the German experience of the 1920s and 30s in particular. Eucken wholeheartedly rejected central bank independence because he objected to the Reichsbank’s exercise of discretion during his own formative years. He especially objected to the Reichbank’s pursuit of monetary policies that conflicted with the government’s economic policy. In contrast to modern Germany’s monetary mythology as peddled by the Bundesbank, Eucken also fully recognized the symmetry in the Reichsbank’s failure during the 1920s and 30s. He concluded that central bankers cannot be trusted with any discretion.   
While (West) Germany’s peculiar variety of neoliberalism was a homegrown product of Germany’s peculiar history, Keynesianism was imported to (West) Germany in its “bastard” or “synthesis” form from early on, too (Hagemann 2000). Keynesians were well represented on scientific advisory councils from the beginning. Keynesians captured many university positions in economics throughout West Germany until the 1970s. Keynesians were present in public debates and the media, too. By contemporary international comparison, Germany was not special for missing out on the “Keynesian revolution,” but for the fact that Keynesianism faced a strong homegrown competitor in ordoliberalism.   
And ordoliberalism had luck on its side when West Germany’s first federal government included a popular free-market champion in Ludwig Erhard (1897–1977). Erhard’s popular fame rests on his supposed role in West Germany’s Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle). He is seen as the architect of the miracle and the establishment of West Germany’s “social market economy” (soziale Marktwirtschaft), supposedly a market economy that is not of a “laissez-faire” type, but one that embraces social responsibility together with personal liberties. Ordoliberalism’s luck was its initial association with Ludwig Erhard and the economic miracle.   
Thanks to these early success, ordoliberalism’s initial impact left a lasting impression— conscientiously kept alive by West Germany’s right-wing parties and vested interests to this day. As initial luck and perceived success secured a lasting influence of ordoliberalism, Keynesianism has been assigned a difficult stand in Germany until today (a kind of “path dependency”).   
In all this, one big puzzle truly stands out: How did the Bundesbank emerge as the untouchable saint and ultimate source of economic wisdom given that Walter Eucken strongly opposed central bank independence? We will address this puzzle in a moment.  
Before we begin, we briefly turn to Keynesianism’s fleeting moment in the sun in West Germany. The heydays of Keynesianism in West Germany were in the second half of the 1960s and early 1970s (Dillard 1985; Allen 1989; Hagemann 2000). The Keynesian reign in economic policy proved very short lived. Its decline began in the second half of the 1970s; in the early 1980s Keynesianism was officially shelved in West Germany, lastingly. Its transitory sway on economic policymaking was intimately linked to Karl Schiller (1911–94), an economics professor at Hamburg University, social democrat, and prominent Keynesian voice in West Germany from an early hour. Schiller had served on numerous scientific advisory committees on various economic policy matters and became a constant presence in the media.   
By the mid-1960s, Ludwig Erhard had outlived his reputation as the “father of the economic miracle.” Successor to Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), since 1963 as West Germany’s second chancellor, he seemed to have lost his grip on the economy. In 1966, West Germany was headed for its first recession, the first crisis moment since the early balance of payments crisis of 1950– 51. Among other things, Erhard’s fall from grace and power in 1966 also featured conflicts with the Bundesbank (Marsh 1992). A “grand coalition” of conservatives and social democrats took over the government until 1969, when the social democrats became the strongest party and were able to form a new coalition government with the liberals (“free democrats”) as junior partners, when in the past they had formed coalition governments with the conservatives.   
The rise of the social democrats in the 1960s was owed mostly to the charisma of Willy Brandt (1913–92), who became West Germany’s fourth chancellor in 1969, but also to no insignificant degree to the perceived economic competence of Karl Schiller, who served as minister of the economy from 1966 (and later in 1971 also as finance minister). Schiller’s claim to fame—and with him the popularity of Keynesianism in West Germany—received an enormous boost when he managed to cut the downturn of 1966–67 short by the application of demand stimulus measures (Scherf 1986).   
The Keynesian stimulus featured fiscal measures and monetary easing, including open market purchases of long-term government bonds on the part of the Bundesbank (Deutsche Bundesbank 1994). While the establishment of the Sachverst?ndigenrat (GCEE) had earlier roots, Schiller 
was the chief architect behind the Stabilit?ts und Wachstumsgesetz (Stability and Growth Law) of 1967, featuring the magische Viereck (magic polygon) of four key economic policy objectives constituting macroeconomic equilibrium: price stability, high employment, steady and reasonable (in modern parlance: sustainable) growth, and external balance.   
Schiller was keen to avoid open conflicts with (still-popular) ordoliberalism and worked hard to achieve a kind of synthesis between ordoliberalism and Keynesianism by essentially adding deliberate macroeconomic management (Globalsteuerung) to ordoliberal principles regarding the West German economic order (Krüger 1967; Hagemann 2000).   
As earlier in Erhard’s case, Schiller’s fall in 1972 also featured public conflicts with the Bundesbank (Marsh 1992). He was replaced by Helmut Schmidt (1918–2015), another social democrat from an early hour (who had been Schiller’s student of economics at Hamburg University). Helmut Schmidt then succeeded Willy Brandt as the West German chancellor in 1974.   
The decline of Keynesianism in the course of the 1970s and reemergence of unchallenged ordoliberal supremacy under the name of Angebotspolitik (supply-side economic policy) in the early 1980s are best understood in the context of the evolution of West Germany’s post-WWII economic history, a brief review of which is the subject of the next section.    
The currency reform of June 1948—undertaken in conjunction with the lifting of price controls that were attributed to Ludwig Erhard’s influence in his role as advisor in the Allied occupation forces’ administration—marks the zero hour in West Germany’s economic miracle. The image stored in the collective memory is one of shop windows being filled with goods overnight and of black market trading and scarcity being replaced by an immediate glimpse of the newfound prosperity that was going to reach West Germany in subsequent decades. It was also the 
neoliberal dream of replacing a command economy (under the control of the Allied occupation forces) with a free-market economy. West Germany’s ordoliberals saw their prescriptions vindicated by the miraculous consequences of unleashing the price mechanism and market forces. Structural reform can do wonders.   
The unfolding miracle saw an early disruption in 1950–51, when West Germany’s trade and current account positions turned into a deficit with the outbreak of the Korean War and surging commodity prices. Yet West Germany’s economy was to benefit from the reconstruction-driven rise in the demand for capital goods soon enough, as this was traditionally a stronghold of the German economy (Eichengreen 2007). West Germany would subsequently run almost continuous and often sizeable current account surpluses until 1979 (Wallich and Wilson 1979).   
The miracle resumed in 1951 and West Germany achieved average annual growth rates of over 8 percent for the rest of the decade, slowing down to an annual average of 4–5 percent during the 1960s. Exports and investment, both private and public, were the foremost engines of growth. Real incomes and consumption grew steadily, too. Prosperity was widely shared as unemployment steadily declined, providing jobs for millions of refugees who had reached West Germany at the end of the war from Eastern Europe and continued to trickle in until the “Berlin Wall” was built in 1961—at which point West Germany started attracting immigrant (“guest”) workers from southern Europe to meet emerging labor shortages (Giersch, Paque, and Schmieding 1992).   
There are certain similarities between West Germany’s miracle phase and what happened during the postwar reconstruction boom elsewhere in Western Europe. West Germany stands out for one thing in particular, which is at the heart of the “German model”: West Germany’s inflation was very low, lower than the inflation performance of its main trading partners. The Bundesbank built its reputation on this achievement of stability. But much more was involved.   
In the context of the international Bretton Woods monetary order of pegged nominal exchange rates, West Germany would make cumulative improvements in its competitiveness by keeping its inflation rate not just low, but below inflation trends experienced elsewhere. While trade was 
growing strongly worldwide at the time, German exports received an extra lift in this way, for the West German authorities always resisted deutschmark revaluation pressures for as long as possible, even in the face of persistent and sizeable trade and current account surpluses.  
There is some evidence that the West German authorities actually understood what they were doing, that the “German model” was conceived as a deliberate development strategy. The balance of payments crisis of 1950–51 provided the opportunity and the starting shot. External pressure to boost exports was helpful. The men at the helm of the BdL and the architect of the economic miracle, Ludwig Erhard, were in accord. In August 1950, Erhard detected that a “great opportunity for the future of German exports has arisen out of the current situation. If, namely, through internal discipline we are able to maintain the price level to a greater extent than other countries, our export strength will increase in the long run and our currency will become stronger and health[ier], both internally and with respect to the dollar” (quoted in Holtfrerich 2008: 35; emphasis added).   
From the beginning, West Germany became (over-)reliant on exports for its growth, successfully pursuing a model of export-led growth, featuring persistent external surpluses (Wallich 1955; H?lscher 1994; Holtfrerich 1998). The government would balance its budget, or at times even run fiscal surpluses, and generally abstain from active fiscal stabilization policies. The requirement was to achieve superior “internal discipline,” as Erhard had pointed out. Towards this end, Erhard himself often actively preached “moderation.”   

  华尔街见闻 2017年03月13日 13:53:59


本文译自Levy Economic Institute工作论文How Germany’s Anti-Keynesianism Has Brought Europe to Its Knees


德国在经济政策问题上有一些不再是秘密的奇怪癖好:这个国家似乎与(正统)宏观经济学的主张背道而驰。在德国,宏观经济政策可以被归结为两个事实:紧缩(财政自律)与价格稳定。当然,近年来德国一直被诟病在陷入萧条的欧元区内推动紧缩政策,声称紧缩政策增强了信心,从而促进了经济增长(Schauble 2010,2011)。国际上,这种假设被称为“扩张性的财政收缩”。早些时候,它被称为“德国观点”,至少在20世纪80年代初在经济学家和政策制定者中流行起来的国家(Fels和Froehlich 1987; Hellwig和Neumann 1987)。








可以确定的至少一个重要的角色,若非幕后操纵者,德国的奇怪的不对称的历史叙事(Bibow 2010)背后是德国央行。德国央行巧妙地滋养了不对称的历史叙事,因为它服务于自己的地位和声誉作为“货币守护者“和稳定的保障者。德国央行作为通胀鹰派享有国际声誉,一个具有强大的反通货膨胀偏见的中央银行(Hayo 1998)。这种强烈的反通货膨胀政策偏见是德国强烈偏见(不对称)历史叙事的对应物。事实上,德国央行的名声与我所称的德国“货币神话”(或:“德国央行神话”;参见Bibow [2013d])紧密联系在一起。






对德国而言,第二次世界大战和希特勒的“全面战争”意味着完全的失败。国家不复存在;被划分且占用。然而,与第一次世界大战后接受的复苏形成鲜明对比的是,这一次,胜利者很快就向1949年新成立的西德提供了援助。这是真正意义上的援助,而不仅仅是同情与慷慨。地缘上赞成对西欧重建采取更具建设性和合作性的方法。但纯粹从经济角度来说,美国的“政府援助和被占领地区救济”方案以及“马歇尔计划”(1948-52)为西德提供了大量的转移支付,1952- 1953年的伦敦债务协议,消除了德国外债的一半左右,帮助西德在之后的几十年成为一个繁荣的国家,并拥有稳定的民主。(De Long和Eichengreen 1993; Galofre-Vila等人2016) 。


正是在历史的衬映之下,德国混合但对称的历史经验与外债、债务豁免的历史,我们在现在来考虑德国在持续的欧元区危机中的作用,以及德国对希腊的野蛮对待。我们该如何理解现代德国对希腊的对待?德国从自己的历史中学到了什么样的教训(Ritschl 2011,2012)?德国认为自己在第一次世界大战后的处理方式是否优于后者(二战)?







我们来看看下一位德国官员,德国财政部长Wolfgang Schauble的(在G20成员国会议中)有关2010年快速恢复紧缩的背景下做了如下评论,这是德国积极推动的:





这种神话是全能的,是一种非常有效的教条化形式。在德国,“稳定文化”社会化从幼儿园就开始了。由于媒体的不断重复宣传,德国人不断被德国央行的深化所吸引。它的关键特性是不对称性。德国在一代人中遭受了两次恶性通胀。因此,通货膨胀必须首先被阻止 - 这很方便地坐实了德国央行强大的“反通胀偏见”。我们德国人学到了我们的教训。因此,我们优先考虑价格稳定性并赞扬德国央行。我们是特别的,因为我们的历史,我们有权这样“特别”。我们也有很多智识来教导别人有关于我们的国家的失败与成功。我们非常清楚,债务使一个国家陷入麻烦,因此也必须避免债台高筑(即使我们可能有些忘了在债务方面曾给予我们的恩惠)。此外,我们还知道,价格稳定从来不会对增长造成任何损害,实际上还有助于增长 - 因为这是我们自己的第二次世界大战后的经验。

我可以在这里补充说,德国的经济新闻是特别糟糕的,德国的经济学专业非常平庸。当然,德国记者和经济学家的社会化也发生在上述货币神话的国家氛围中(Hayo和Neumeier 2016)。有了这种有效的灌输,思想家和非信徒的空间很小。




我将在这里简述。德国央行的前身是Bank deutscher L?nder (BdL),1948年3月由占领的盟国成立的,先于西德和联邦政府成立。建立BdL的动机是1948年6月20日马克和货币改革的启动。同样,这一切都在西德建立之前,其联邦政府甚至还不存在。因此,BdL在建立其作为稳定性和增长的保证者的声誉方面取得了良好的开端。在饱受战争蹂躏的德国人的心中,德国马克与1948年6月开始的“经济奇迹”相关联。


最初,对给予中央银行独立性存在相当大的反对,主要来自德国工业和经济学界,此外还来自政府本身。然而,中央银行家们的处理则相当精明。政府内部的斗争也对他们有利。中央银行家并不害怕与政府发生公共冲突,如果这可以利用它来促进自己的声誉(作为“稳定的守护者”;参见古德曼[1992];亨宁[1994];约翰逊[1998];卡尔坦塔勒[ ]; Marsh [1992])。在欧元出现之前,德国央行有40年的时间来培养其“不可触及”的地位(并且一路上滋养德国的特殊货币神话)。

后来,在20世纪80年代和90年代,经济学界普遍偏爱价格稳定和中央银行独立性的概念。它成为传统的智慧,通货膨胀目标最好由一个独立的中央银行执行。新的教条在适当的时候来到了英国央行。 Mervin King,2003年到2013年间的英国央行行长,他自己是一个通货膨胀目标的忠实粉丝,曾经(半嘲笑地)表示,央行独立性也可能带来“通货膨胀执迷者”(反通胀的疯子)形式的风险。在德国,现代传统,“通货膨胀执迷者”是非常受人尊敬的,也是成为德国货币神话的德国银行家 - 守护者的前提条件,就像它的“稳定文化”那样。






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