置顶 ·分享 医学 Email Fax Phone
风萧萧 2024-8-1 14:06
DR.LEUNG 416-463-4220 DR. TERENCE LEUNG 1287 Gerrard St. E. Toronto 416-463-4220 Fax: 647-776-2909 drtleung1287@gmail.com 辽宁工业大学 锦州工学院 校园疫情防控 电话:0416-4198417邮箱:lngydxxzxx@lnut.edu.cn 辽宁工业大学校友 ...
个人分类: 中国|571 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 World Chaos and World Order: Conversations With Henry Kissinger
风萧萧 2018-7-11 12:10
World Chaos and World Order: Conversations With Henry Kissinger The former secretary of state reflects on war, peace, and the biggest tests facing the next president. JEFFREY GOLDBERG NOV 10, 2016 https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/11/kissing ...
个人分类: 基辛格|639 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The US-China trade war: can Trump learn from history and resolve it?
风萧萧 2018-7-11 12:00
The US-China trade war: can Trump learn from history and resolve it? China’s inexorable rise has seen an inconsequential trade gap with the US balloon into a multitrillion-dollar chasm. But how and why did it happen, and can it be settled? BY ROBERT BOXWELL 30 JUN 2018 ...
个人分类: 基辛格|587 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How Trump Could Stumble from a Trade War Into a Real War with China
风萧萧 2018-7-11 11:57
How Trump Could Stumble from a Trade War Into a Real War with China The past five hundred years have seen sixteen cases in which a rising power threatened to topple a ruling power from its position of predominance. Twelve ended in war. by Graham Allison http://national ...
个人分类: 基辛格|506 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Henry Kissinger at 93 weighs in on Trump, Tillerson, Taiwan and the' One China'
风萧萧 2018-7-11 11:53
Henry Kissinger at 93 weighs in on Trump, Tillerson, Taiwan and the ‘One China’ policy Kissinger praised Trump’s choice for secretary of state and added “we should not think about these relationships as the personal relationship of individuals” PUBLISHED : Thursday, 15 De ...
个人分类: 基辛格|546 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Kissinger urges greater cooperation with China as ‘the world’s centre of gravi .
风萧萧 2018-7-11 11:45
Kissinger urges greater cooperation with China as ‘the world’s centre of gravity’ shifts US elder statesman tells a Columbia University conference the only alternative to positive relations between Washington and Beijing is global destruction PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 27 Septe ...
个人分类: 基辛格|615 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Henry Kissinger: Does America Need a Foreign Policy?
风萧萧 2016-9-25 07:58
Does America Need a Foreign Policy? Toward a Diplomacy for the 21st Century By HENRY KISSINGER Simon Schuster Read the Review https://www.nytimes.com/books/first/k/kissinger-01policy.html America at the Apex: Empire or Leader? At the dawn of the ...
个人分类: 基辛格|602 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 许纪霖: 读懂了基辛格,就读懂了世界
风萧萧 2016-9-25 06:50
读懂了基辛格,就读懂了世界 许纪霖 8月10日 10:12 http://dajia.qq.com/blog/232350051969523.html 基辛格是一个传奇。这位来自德国的犹太移民,创造了20世纪世界政治多个标志性事件。他的前半生与哈佛结缘,后半生在白宫度过。很少有人像他那样在哈佛与白宫游走自如 ...
个人分类: 基辛格|716 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 贾森·布伦南:智者统治能否修复美国民主?
风萧萧 2016-9-25 06:38
贾森·布伦南:智者统治能否修复美国民主? 贾森·布伦南 乔治敦大学战略、经济学副教授 现有制度催生“无知”选民 http://www.guancha.cn/JasonBrennan/2016_09_02_373202.shtml 民选官员往往会通过他们认为可以吸引中间选民的法律。左翼或右翼的政界人士通常可以通过转向中 ...
个人分类: 基辛格|676 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Jason Brennan: Against Democracy 应该减少无知选民的权利
风萧萧 2016-9-25 06:35
Against Democracy Jason Brennan http://nationalinterest.org/feature/against-democracy-17605 Jason Brennan (Ph.D., 2007, University of Arizona) is Robert J. and Elizabeth Flanagan Family Chair and Provost's Distinguished Associate Professor of Strategy, Economics, ...
个人分类: 基辛格|774 次阅读|0 个评论

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