置顶 ·分享 医学 Email Fax Phone
风萧萧 2024-8-1 14:06
DR.LEUNG 416-463-4220 DR. TERENCE LEUNG 1287 Gerrard St. E. Toronto 416-463-4220 Fax: 647-776-2909 drtleung1287@gmail.com 邓文迪 https://www.wendimurdoch.com/contact-wendi-murdoch/ https://www.facebook.com/theWendiMurdoch/ ...
个人分类: 中国|371 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美智库 中国若掌控南海 将颠覆美国200年海洋传统
风萧萧 2020-1-17 04:13
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分享 Norway raises rate 25 bps 全球宽松 挪威加息
风萧萧 2019-4-21 08:28
个人分类: 战争|493 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Credit to State-Owned Enterprises to GDP, Norwegian multi-statistical informatio
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:59
Credit to Government and State-Owned Enterprises to GDP for Norway Observation: Updated: Aug 17, 2016 Source: World Bank Release: Global Financial Development Units: Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted Frequency: ...
个人分类: 战争|1659 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The secret to successful state-owned enterprises is how they’re run
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:38
The secret to successful state-owned enterprises is how they’re run January 21, 2016 11.05pm EST http://theconversation.com/the-secret-to-successful-state-owned-enterprises-is-how-theyre-run-53118 State-owned companies are often touted as necessary tools for dev ...
个人分类: 战争|562 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The rich cousin of Norway
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:35
Norway The rich cousin Oil makes Norway different from the rest of the region, but only up to a point Feb 2nd 201 https://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21570842-oil-makes-norway-different-rest-region-only-up-point-rich NORWAY IS THE odd man out in the Nordics. While its n ...
个人分类: 战争|563 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Norway: State-owned companies "surprisingly successful"
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:30
STATE-OWNED COMPANIES "SURPRISINGLY SUCCESSFUL" updated 10:47 AM UTC, Dec 4, 2016 Former head of Statoil Harald Norvik describes the comprehensive government ownership in Norway as "surprisingly successful." He thinks the reason is more complex than a strong N ...
个人分类: 战争|605 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 挪威国有企业
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:25
挪威国有企业 来源:中国商务部网站 2011年04月14日 20:50 http://finance.ifeng.com/a/20110414/3877940_0.shtml 2009年,挪威经济总量(GDP)为2.3万亿挪威克朗(约3800亿美元),全国劳动人口约300万;挪威现有53家国有企业,总产值达近1万亿挪威克朗,占全国GDP的43%,雇员总数30.6万,仅 ...
个人分类: 战争|629 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 挪威主要企業介紹
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:22
挪威主要企業介紹 http://article.bridgat.com/big5/200805/08100.html 挪威海德魯公司 (NORSK HYDRO ASA) 一、公司簡介。挪威海德魯公司(NORSK HYDRO ASA)始建於1905年,是挪威最大的國家控股工業公司,政府股份占51%。公司註冊資金49.81億克朗,現有雇員38,000多人,2000 ...
个人分类: 战争|530 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 挪威提升国家创新能力的重要经验
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:19
挪威提升国家创新能力的重要经验 2014-11-04作者:薛彦平 来源:《国家治理》周刊 http://www.zhongdaonet.com/NewsInfo.aspx?id=11455 摘要:在战略决策和资金分配层面,国家的作用仍然非常突出,主要通过挪威研究理事会(Research Council of Norway , RCN)和挪威创新署(Innovation Norwa ...
个人分类: 战争|558 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 挪威董事会性别配额制度的启示
风萧萧 2017-7-6 23:17
挪威董事会性别配额制度的启示 挪威社会的包容、透明、较小的收入差距、对公平公正的看重,使挪威顺利推行董事会性别配额制度。但企业真正看重的是专业技能,而非性别。 2012年11月9日 07:45 英国《金融时报》 迪娜•梅德兰德 http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001047404?full=y ...
个人分类: 战争|643 次阅读|0 个评论


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