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Recruit employees by the quality of brain, not the academic degree

已有 136 次阅读2016-1-27 08:58 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| employees

Recruit employee by the quality of brain not the academic degree

                 — The Prestigious Universities are disabling the Genius

                   Frank July 26, 2014, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 

Businesses are the important cells of the national economy in providing a stable social living environment for citizen. We must ensure their healthy development, thus, to ensure employment and revenue. For this end, we must avoid to make a business as charity for the care of some mindless people with detriment of enterprise productivity, which may easily cause business failures, resulting in more people unemployed without a livelihood, to cause greater uncharitable.

This point is significant in government agencies. Nowadays, bloated government in effectiveness is already a common problem worldwide.

It is better in beforehand prevention, rather than punishment after the tragedy happened, for this concern, the selection of high quality people is the key.

Only high-quality people can ensure the high quality of the work, high efficiency of the production and high competitiveness of the business with lesser trouble making. So there is necessary to particularly discus how to recruit high quality employee.

July 26, 2014, I happily read the article Don’t Send Your Kid to the Ivy League with subtitle – The nation’s top colleges are turning our kids into zombies.

The writer William Deresiewicz said with that: “Our system of elite education manufactures young people who are smart and talented and driven, yes, but also anxious, timid, and lost, with little intellectual curiosity and a stunted sense of purpose: trapped in a bubble of privilege, heading meekly in the same direction, great at what they’re doing but with no idea why they’re doing it.”

The comments inspired me to think of a long considering problem that how to verify perfect employees, due to that grads of Prestigious Universities may be not the best.

Modern studies prove that human brain structure determines personal intelligence; it has provided availability for recruiting satisfied employee from the level of brain structure.

July, 30, 2012, in the article Recover Mental Disorders by Chinese Medicine, I indicate that: Recent years, scientists have learnt more clearly about human brain structure and work mechanism. Our brain is an extraordinarily complex organ that is made up of many different structures. Any of human behaviors is dominated by the specific population of cells in the brain. Because that mature degree of human brain is varies greatly with big difference from person to person, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference.

More evidences have showed that various mental disorders are connected with abnormality or atrophy in brain. The antisocial behaviors are also caused by mental disorders, such as reports - Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens, Criminal Minds Are Different from Yours, Brain Scans Reveal, and Happiness linked to size of precuneus in Brain.

We can speculate that, even if, people have no significant behavioral problems, but, the character of each individual is also in big different, some are impulse and radical in depressed mood and lack of compassion; some are sober and rational in happy mood in full of compassion. Those are also due to the differences in brain structure, it will certainly affect people's work ethic, such as, in the workplace, some people work mindlessly, and some people work full-heartedly in whatever they engaged.

According to my own experience and the comments of others when working in a research institute, among the people who achieve higher academic degree, especially those graduates of prestigious universities, only few are with better research ability, mostly are mediocrity that cannot independently complete simple research tasks with no ability for innovation.

The wide range of studies and social experience will perfect brain in the structure with increasing new populations of brain cells, and the more brain cells in memorizing the experiences for the successes or failures will provide more references for perfect reasoning with more perfect decision making. 

It is that more in success, less in mistake and perfect predictability made a person as wise.

If a person is lack of social experiences and extensive reading, the person will fall into as that of watching sky by sitting in the bottom of a deep well, which will largely narrow the field of the vision, and thereby limit the scope and the depth of the thinking. Thus, when faced with intractable social problems, the person cannot flexibility come up with feasible solutions. It will be more harmful for those who are on the key position of the government or any management.

The rich knowledge and experiences will help people be able to make rational judgments and practices.

Therefore, the recruitment of the employee, besides the qualification of the academic degrees, we should also examine the mature degree of the brain of the candidates by intellectual and physical ability testing, for example:

1… By abbreviating a certain length English article to a certain shorter length with keeping the original meaning as much as possible to test the abilities in writing and wording.

Neat and beautiful handwriting shows that writer’s brain and nerve is well functioning so that hand can well follow brain’s command signal without tremble. The good rhetoric indicates that the brain is efficient enough in logically think.

2…By glancing or listening to a group of over ten random numbers then writing down from memory to test the capacity in concentration and short-term memory.

Good results suggest that attention can be well focused with a good short-term memory; it shows that brain well developed.

3…By threading the buttons together in certain time, to test the ability of hand-brain coordination.

Threading buttons fast is a sign of good hand-brain coordination.

4…By watching videos in violent or sorrow to test the reaction in compassion of the candidate.

No feeling of compassion is a sign of defective brain. A person less in compassion cannot make a perfect job with a potential stirring up trouble in workplace.

5… The harmful hobbies, such as, the smokers, alcoholics are also the sign of the brain defective.

Such people are unable to properly self behavior control.

6…The sense of humor

Easy in laugh, witty humor language and response, is also the symbol of well developed brain in high intellectual level.

A depressed people will be no sense of humor, but will be endlessly complaining. They are not only in low efficiency of their own work, but also will badly influence others, to make others in depressed state.


An intelligent person can well follow the topic and exactly answer what is asked with simplest words. Otherwise is a mental defective.

And so on…….

Such skills are very simple and being often used in doing daily tasks, but less people can do perfectly, especially those people of brain development is not matured, or with a bad living habits, such as, smokers, alcoholics. Those harmful hobbies are also the sign of brain not well developed, so that they are unable to proper behavior control.

Those brain development normal people, in general, will be able to do their best in whatever they engaged in and continuously concentrating on their professional studies, rarely complaining and more importantly, they will be very good in cooperation with others.

On the contrary, those non-normals will be the players of the troublemakers with endless complaining due to their sustained depressed mood under defective brain. The worse is that they would badly influence others by causing bad mood and their bad work ethic will lower down systematic efficiency due to the magnifying effect of crowd psychology or herd mentality in grouping work environment.

Only high-quality people can ensure the high quality work. This point is extremely important for those who work as management.

If the mental defectives take the position in management, they will organize a group people by lure of overtime pay or promotion, to bully others with doing everything possible.

For the candidates who are with outstanding ability, we should hire directly without the restriction of the academic degree. Since that in the Era of the knowledge explosion, there are many channels for learning, which are not limited to the schools. On other hand, as mentioned above, in some extent, the rigid mechanized teaching model of the schools may stifle the creativity of the students.

Any society or organization cannot be absolutely fair and reasonable, if there someone is always upset bickering to make ungovernable, that will cause to lower down the whole efficiency with achieves nothing.

The behavioral defectives are all caused by immature brain or brain defective, we must identify them out. We do not need to tolerate them mess up our living environment and wasting our time and energy.

                                    — Frank July 27, 2014, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Ivy League miseducation

Comments (42)

By Anthony ZurcherEditor, Echo Chambers

25 July 2014Last updated at 15:58 ET


Mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be Ivy League students.

In a lengthy article in the latest issue of the New Republic, former Yale associate professor (and Columbia graduate) William Deresiewicz says that the prestigious private colleges dotting the US, particularly in the Northeast, are creating a class of entitled “zombies”.

The author of Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to Meaningful Life, writes:

“Our system of elite education manufactures young people who are smart and talented and driven, yes, but also anxious, timid and lost, with little intellectual curiosity and a stunted sense of purpose: trapped in a bubble of privilege, heading meekly in the same direction, great at what they’re doing but with no idea why they’re doing it.”

Ivy League colleges and their ilk, says Deresiewicz, have created an education-industrial complex that processes the children of privilege from cradle to diploma and beyond.

Private and affluent public primary education, test-prep courses, “enrichment” programmes, volunteer service projects, international travel, music lessons, sports activities – all the high-cost building blocks of the perfect college application – put crushing pressure on the upper middle class and their offspring.

The ones who successfully navigate the college winnowing process are near perfect – or at least think they are. He says he observed the results in the students he taught.

“The prospect of not being successful terrifies them, disorients them,” he writes. “The cost of falling short, even temporarily, becomes not merely practical, but existential. The result is a violent aversion to risk.”

College shouldn’t be this way, Deresiewicz writes. Instead of four years of career training, it should be preparation for a thoughtful, well-examined life.

Few elite university students have had to deal with failure or real adversity, William Deresiewicz writes

What of attempts by admissions officials to achieve classroom diversity? While some colleges may give preference to minority applicants, Deresiewicz says, ethnic diversity only covers up socio-economic homogeneity.

“Visit any elite campus across our great nation, and you can thrill to the heart-warming spectacle of the children of white businesspeople and professionals studying and playing alongside the children of black, Asian and Latino businesspeople and professionals,” he says.

His solution is to democratise higher education, freeing it from the stranglehold of elite colleges and the crushing debt that such degrees often bring.

“High-quality public education, financed with public money, for the benefit of all: the exact commitment that drove the growth of public higher education in the postwar years,” he writes.

In the meantime, he says, parents should consider sending their kids to public universities or small religious or liberal arts colleges where they can be challenged by a more authentic diversity of experiences.

Deresiewicz’s article has provoked a fair amount of discussion and debate, even within the pages of the New Republic (which, many commentators have enjoyed pointing out, is staffed predominantly by Ivy League graduates).

In an article on the New Republic’s website, JD Chapman, an academic director of a Roanoke, Virginia high school, says that most admissions offices he deals with are keen on identifying and admitting the unconventional students Deresiewicz says they ignore.

In addition, he says, Deresiewicz relies too much on his own anecdotal evidence for taking the pulse of today’s youth.

“My own experience suggests that thoughtful, curious people in this age group are widely prone to confused self-loathing no matter where they are.”

The website IvyGate solicited comments from current Columbia students and, needless to say, they weren’t particularly thrilled with the article.

“Deresiewicz does a fantastic job of ignoring the reason why security (not wealth, not fame, SECURITY) has displaced cultivating the mind as the number one takeaway Kids These Days want from college,” Alison Herman says. “The Great Recession ripped away the mental, and often material, safety net that’s necessary to prioritise Learning to Think over, say, learning C++.”

Osita Nwanevu, a University of Chicago senior interning at Slate,writes that Deresiewicz places too much emphasis on the transformative power of higher education.

“To believe that a college – Ivy or otherwise – can confer intellectual benefits in four years that you won’t be able to attain at some point over the course of the next 60 is to believe in magic,” he writes.

The problem, writes Chris Lehmann in In These Times, is that Deresiewicz doesn’t go far enough in his recommendations.

“Deresiewicz is unable to wean himself from the care and feeding of our self-anointed intellectual elite, nor from the bedrock conviction that all schemes of social improvement must be about them,” he writes.

Lehmann advocates nationalising higher education and slashing tuition. He admits it’s a long-shot, but so is Deresiewicz’s “expectation that better-trained meritocrats somehow will rescue the rest of us”.

This don’t-send-your-kids-to-Ivies plan only works if everyone buys into it, writes the Washington Post’s Alexandra Petri. In a tongue-in-cheek column, she notes the conundrum facing well-meaning parents:

“If some people don’t get the memo about Massive Structural Shifts in How We Are Educated, their kids will get into Ivy League schools in your kids’ place, and all the employers who did not read the article will keep assuming that going to an Ivy League school is a mark of quality and hire them instead.”

And that, as they say in the hallowed halls of Yale, would stink.







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