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Marine Le Pen will certainly be a president as France's Trump

已有 739 次阅读2017-3-7 15:25 |个人分类:法国

  Marine Le Pen will certainly be a president as France's Trump

               Frank  Mar. 6, 2017, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

      Ms. Marine Le Pen who is the president of French political party - the National Front, now she is a popular presidential candidate and to be called as France's Trump due to her controversial remarks.

      Mar. 05, 2017, the www.wallstreetcn.com published a Mandarin article This French woman makes panic in Europe with comments:

      This is a French woman; some people call her "the most dangerous woman in France". She has publicly promised that once elected will lead France out of the EU, and to return to a single currency. This means that the euro zone will be further disintegrated. She also vowed that the future will be a large number of restrictions on immigration, especially illegal immigrants and Muslim immigrants, but also the implementation of the French employment priority...

      She has publicly declared: The EU world was a super - liberal, brutal globalization deliberately created cross - border countries and she believed that this world was dead.

      Feb. 5, 2017 article Marine Le Pen promises liberation from the EU with France-first policies cites her comments: “Financial globalisation and Islamist globalisation are helping each other out,” she said. “Those two ideologies aim to bring France to its knees.”

      Feb 6, 2017, article Marine Le Pen, the far-right politician topping the French polls, is thirsting for a Frexit reports that: Le Pen’s critique of Islam, as well as immigration, goes hand in hand with a promise to hold a referendum on a Frexit — a French departure from the EU. She would also like France to drop the euro and leave the NATO military alliance.

      I would like to make some comments and prediction in here, today.

      Ms. Marine Le Pen will certainly win the election since her claims are in line with the desire from the heart of the vast majority of French people who are in hard struggling in manmade trouble living environment.

      In particular, the claims of Ms. Marine Le Pen are in line with the only rational route for human survival.

      France exiting the EU is inevitable, the disintegration of the EU is inevitable also, and it will be absolutely irreversible.

      For such result, the main cause is from the wrongful practice of the EU leadership. The incredible reality shows that the majority of the EU-leader-members are addicted in absurd ideology without a sober mind for rational reasoning, and especially the EU Human Rights Commission has been poisoned by extreme absurd thoughts, since they have no essential ability for understanding a broad sense of humanitarianism, so that they can only focus on narrow humanitarianism to protect the interest of minority of people by destructing the life of majority of people.

      They will never be able to know the nature of the problems. They will never be able to know that what are in troubling the survival of the people of Europe. They will never be able to know that if the immigration problem is not effectively controlled, it is not only to destroy the life of the people of the Europe, but also to destroy the life of the people world widely.

      This world is in destructing by free flow and free reproduction in large number of some group of people who have been filling out brain by irrational doctrine with extreme rejection of rational ideas.

      Please see my Oct. 2, 2014, article Why did China not produce harmful native religions and Mar. 26, 2016 article The Values and Democracy is entwined to castrate France and disorder whole world.

      The advantage of Mr. Trump, the current president of the United States of America, who is honest with no false, he knew what the American people needs.

      It was the confidence of my prediction that Ms. Marine Le Pen will certainly be a president as France's Trump.

      There report that French President Hollande says 'ultimate duty' is to prevent Le Pen victory, obviously, president Hollande is preparing for unnecessary self-humiliation.

      Follow is the reproduced articles regarding her.   

    Marine Le Pen: Madame Présidente?

            By YASMEEN SERHAN  FEB 24, 2017

              Francois Fillon, Marine Le Pen and Alain Juppe (L-R)
    Francois Fillon and Marine Le Pen are the current frontrunners to become the next French president

   Marine Le Pen is hoping the wave of populism sweeping the Western world carries her to the Élysée Palace.

“The wind of history has turned,” Le Pen, who heads the far-right National Front (FN), told a crowd of supporters at the kickoff of her presidential bid earlier this month in Lyon, the industrial city in southeastern France. “It will carry us to the summit.”

Opinion polls have shown Le Pen winning the first round of France’s presidential election in April, only to lose to whomever she faces in the second round of voting in May. That candidate will likely be François Fillon, the center-right candidate, or Emmanuel Macron, the independent; polls show the two men seesawing between second and third place in the first round. If no candidate achieves a majority in the first round, the top-two vote getters advance to a second round run-off. Although it’s still early, and polling can be wrong, the likelihood of Le Pen beating either Fillon or Macron in the second round is slim. Still, with the Western establishment reeling from Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election, the U.K.’s decision to leave the European Union, and growing anger at political elites throughout Europe, Le Pen and other far-right, populist leaders in Europe fancy their chances.

Le Pen envisions a France with closed borders, its own currency, and tough immigration controls; a country that is independent of international bodies like NATO, and one that ultimately puts itself first. This inward thinking, Le Pen reminded supporters, would not be unique to France.

“Other people have shown the way,” she said, alluding to the Brexit vote last summer and Trump’s election last November.

Although such sentiments might be experiencing a resurgence, many of Le Pen’s policies are not new. Indeed, her 144-point manifesto outlining her vision for France reflects many of the policies the FN has put forward since it was founded more than four decades ago by her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen. From the onset, the party has opposed the European Union, economic protectionism, and same-sex marriage. It has also been characterized by anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic sentiment (Jean-Marie Le Pen has repeatedly dismissed the Holocaust as a minor “detail” of history and defended collaborators of the Vichy government, which deported tens of thousands of French Jews to death camps during World War II).

Those views haven’t earned the FN much electoral success. The party didn’t win a single local election in 2015, and claims only two seats in French parliament. The FN’s previous best performance in the presidential election was in 2002 when Jean-Marie Le Pen advanced to the second round for the first time in the FN’s history; voters handed then-incumbent President Jacques Chirac 82 percent of the vote—an unprecedented victory that was widely regarded more as a rebuke of the FN than approval of Chirac. By the time Marine Le Pen took over as the leader of the FN in 2011, the party began a period of transformative rebranding—one which retained its far-right values with less emphasis on the homophobic, anti-Semitic elements. This ultimately resulted in the expulsion of the elder Le Pen from the party in 2015 in a family battle played out in the media.

“Voluntarily or not, he gave ammunition to our adversaries,” Le Pen said of her father in November, adding: “Today our adversaries no longer have that ammunition.”

Still, the younger Le Pen’s rebranding efforts alone may not be enough. Dr. David Lees, a researcher on French politics at Warwick University, told me last November that though Le Pen’s outsider status has certainly helped her anti-establishment image, it could also pose a challenge.

The FN has only got two members of the National Assembly in France … so if she does win, she wouldn’t be able to form a government,” Lees said. “She would find it very hard to govern without having any sense of support in Parliament. She just wouldn’t get anything through because the options of ruling by decree in France are very small for a president.”

Indeed, finding common ground with other members of the government would prove difficult for Le Pen—especially in comparison to competitors like Macron, whose centrist, business-orientated agenda could be more appealing to swing votes on the left and right than the FN’s populist agenda. Still, Le Pen’s rebranding has proven effective in communities previously marginalized by the FN. The party has actively pursued more progressive causes such as promoting women’s rights and gay rights, as well as protecting France’s Jewish community from anti-Semitism—often by presenting Muslim immigration as a threat to all three.

“We do not want to live under the rule or threat of Islamic fundamentalism,” she told supporters in Lyon, and accused Muslim immigrants of “looking to impose on us gender discrimination in public places, full body veils or not, prayer rooms in the workplace, prayers in the streets, huge mosques.”

The FN has found common cause with far-right parties throughout Europe who share its anti-Islam and anti-globalist agenda, as well as other governments. Le Pen has praised both Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, noting that if she were elected, the three leaders “would be good for world peace.” Le Pen has been a vocal proponent of rapprochement with Russia. In addition to rejecting the notion of Russia’s actions in Ukraine’s Crimea as an invasion, she also condemned U.S. and EU sanctions on Moscow as “completely stupid.” The FN received an 11-million euro (about $11.6 million) loan from the Moscow-based First Czech Russian Bank in 2014, and Le Pen has reportedly asked Russia for another loan to finance her current presidential bid, citing French banks’ refusal to lend.

Fredrik Wesslau, the director of the Wider Europe Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations, told me in January that Moscow’s ideological affinity with the FN is what attracts it to most of Europe’s far-right populist parties.

“They see a country that’s willing to stick up for socially conservative rights, that’s embraced authoritarian populism, that’s also xenophobic, in particular anti-Islam, which is something that many of these parties can relate to,” Wesslau said. “There’s a lot of overlap.”

And while the FN leader isn’t the only French presidential candidate to support better relations with Russia (Fillon, the center-right candidate, has also supported reconciliation), reports of Russian media coverage favoring Le Pen against other contenders has sparked concerns Moscow might try to interfere in France’s elections similar to the way it did in the U.S. elections.

But for all the challenges Le Pen faces as an untested leader of historically fringe party, one that is often overlooked is her role as France’s sole female candidate. Women have historically been underrepresented in French politics, with female lawmakers making up 25 percent of the National Assembly and 27 percent of the Senate. Édith Cresson became the first and only woman to serve as prime minister in 1991 under President François Mitterrand, but suffered low approval ratings and lost the post after less than a year—a loss some attribute to misogynist attitudes among the Socialist party elites. Socialist party member Ségolène Royal made French history in 2007 when she became the first woman to be nominated as a presidential candidate by a major party. She lost to Nicolas Sarkozy in the second round.

If Le Pen advances to the second round as polls suggest she could, she’ll only be the second female candidate to have done so since Royal. It’s a glass ceiling Lees said she may have a difficult time shattering.

“We’ve never had a female president, we’ve never had a female leader really in France,” Lees said. “So there really isn’t precedent there.”

With the first round of voting less than two months away, Le Pen has the task of maintaining the lead polls have given her since the start of the election. But it will also involve not being derailed by recent allegations she misused 300,000 euros of EU funds to pay her parliamentary assistants. It’s a charge Le Pen denies, and one that has resulted in the arrest of her chief of staff, Catherine Griset, who has been charged with breach of trust. Le Pen’s lawyers say the investigation is an attempt to harm the presidential hopeful “at the very moment when her candidacy is making a major breakthrough.”

Outgoing French President Hollande says 'ultimate duty' is to prevent Le Pen victory

Mon Mar 6, 2017 12:54am EST
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French President Francois Hollande, seen in this still image taken from video, reacts after a shot was fired by a police sharpshooter that accidentally wounded two people while he was giving a speech in Villognon, in the southwest of France, February 28, 2017. REUTERS/Agency Pool  via Reuters
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PARIS (Reuters) - Outgoing French President Francois Hollande said in European newspaper interviews published on Monday that his "ultimate duty" was to prevent a victory of far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen in this year's election.

"My ultimate duty is to make sure that France is not won over by such a program, and that France does not bear such a heavy responsibility," said Hollande of the risk of a Le Pen victory in the election.

He added it was inevitable that the European Union would have countries progressing at "different speeds" and that he saw no reason to call into question Donald Tusk's role as president of the European Council.

He also said the "euphoria" of financial markets after the election of U.S President Donald Trump appeared to be "very premature".

The interview was published in Le Monde, La Stampa, The Guardian, La Vanguardia, Suddeutsche Zeitung and Gazeta Wyborcza.

(Reporting by Jean-Baptiste Vey; Writing by Sudip Kar-Gupta; Editing by Nick Macfie)


     2017-03-05 | 来源: 华尔街见闻





  她,就是法国极右翼政党“国民阵线”主席勒庞(Marine Le Pen)。




  勒庞,1968年出生在巴黎西郊塞纳河畔讷伊,是国民阵线党(National Front)创始人、前主席老勒庞三个女儿中最小的孩子。她从孩童时代起就受到从政的父亲极大的影响,此后伴随了她的一生。





  老勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen),出身渔民家庭,年轻时作为一名伞兵,参与过印支战争和阿尔及利亚战争。1956年,年仅27岁的老勒庞当选为国民议会议员。1972年,一些极右和新纳粹分子组织成立了极右翼政党“国民阵线”,老勒庞当选为党主席,并在这个位置上一坐就是将近40年。2002年,老勒庞还意外地冲进了总统选举第二轮,这也是他政治生涯的顶点。


  老勒庞毕生致力于维持极右翼政党家族的特征。除了小女儿勒庞,他还成功打造出家族第二位政治明星:他的孙女、勒庞的外甥女玛丽安·马雷夏尔·勒庞(Marion Jeanne Caroline Maréchal-Le Pen)(下图)。













  最近几年,勒庞因与父亲在反犹问题上意见相左而公开撕破脸。两人甚至有很长一段时间不见面、不联系。事实上,勒庞在生活中的伴侣——国民阵线成员Louis Aliot(下图),正是来自于一个阿尔及利亚裔犹太家庭。他已陪伴她七年之久。






  勒庞也毫不手软,开始大力淡化其家族色彩——她改变了党的徽标,并且在所有的政治海报和她的竞选网站上,都删掉了勒庞这个姓氏,只剩下简单的“Marine 2017”。




  他们的口号是:“以民之名”(In the name of the people)。










  勒庞及其极右翼政党如此受欢迎,体现出很多选民对法国政治阶层失去了信任。比如大多数人以前都信了萨科齐的承诺,然而事实证明,萨科齐的上台并没能令他们的生活出现改善。“很多国民阵线的支持者感觉到,他们被当前的政治体系遗忘了,并没有被代表。”极右翼专家、Picardie Jules Verne大学政治学教授Jo?l Gombin如此表示。

  Jo?l Gombin教授称,选民们厌倦了传统政党和主流政治精英,因为政治家们没能保护他们免收经济危机的影响、以及来自移民和恐怖袭击者的危险。

  勒庞为选民们许诺的美好未来甚至都和特朗普类似。特朗普宣称要美国人优先,勒庞则为选民们描绘了一个“法国人的法国”(France for the French)的概念——土生土长的法国人优先享受补助、住房和工作。她还把伊斯兰教描述成国家的最大威胁。







  不过,勒庞也面临重重挑战。除了政敌支持率紧咬自己之外,她和她的政党正面临涉嫌竞选资金违规的调查。她的伴侣兼得力副手Louis Aliot说:“她正在准备一场艰苦的战斗。”

  在勒庞的总统竞选办公室墙壁上,挂着一幅以知名硬汉形象着称的好莱坞男演员伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)的肖像。对于一名法国女政治家来说,这似乎有点诡异。但勒庞很欣赏这位男士的一个“勇敢”行为——就在不久前的美国大选中,这位知名男演员将选票投给了迄今仍饱受争议的那个人:特朗普。







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