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风萧萧 贪官是脑病 孔马列毛都再世也没用

已有 324 次阅读2017-9-17 23:55 |个人分类:叫真, 辩是非

风萧萧 贪官是脑病 孔马列毛都再世也没用


        风萧萧  2013年2月8日 



                                        德国科学家发现人脑“罪恶斑” 病变者66%犯重罪

                                 发布时间:2013年02月08日 08:28  来源:广州日报







  德国科学家发现人脑“罪恶斑” 天生犯罪说添新证据


  本报讯 犯罪是一种病吗?至少德国神经病学家杰哈德·罗斯认为是的。









  不过,罗斯认为这项研究并不是万无一失的。罗斯告诉《每日邮报》,“大脑有时可以抵消暴力倾向,只不过现在还不清楚该过程是如何进行的。” (中新)

Where evil lurks: Neurologist discovers 'dark patch' inside the brains of killers and rapists

Scans reveal a patch at the front of the brain can be seen in people with records for criminal violence

German scientist who made the discovery classifies evil in three groups

By Allan Hall In Berlin

PUBLISHED: 15:32 GMT, 5 February 2013 | UPDATED: 23:29 GMT, 5 February 2013

Comments (200)



A German neurologist claims to have found the area of the brain where evil lurks in killers, rapists and robbers. 

Bremen scientist Dr Gerhard Roth says the 'evil patch' lies in the brain's central lobe and shows up as a dark mass on X-rays.

He discovered it when investigating violent convicted offenders over the years for German government studies.

Dr Gerhard Roth demonstrates where the 'evil patch' can be identified in the brains of those inclined to violence

Scans studied by Dr Roth indicate that the patch he says is associated with wicked behaviour is found at the front of the brain

'We showed these people short films and measured their brain waves,' he said.

'Whenever there were brutal and squalid scenes the subjects showed no emotions. In the areas of the brain where we create compassion and sorrow, nothing happened.' 

The dark mass at the front of the brain, he says, appears in all scans of people with records for criminal violence.

He says his researches have led him to believe that some criminals have a 'genetic predisposition' to violence.

He added: 'When you look at the brain scans of hardened criminals, there are almost always severe shortcomings in the lower forehead part of the brain.

'There are cases where someone becomes criminal as a result of a tumour or an injury in that area, and after an operation to remove the tumour, that person was completely normal again.

Dictators: Josef Stalin (left) and Adolf Hitler (right) belong to Dr Roth's third group - pure psychopaths

'Or there are physiological deficits, because certain substances such as serotonin in the forebrain are not working effectively.

'But this is definitely the region of the brain where evil is formed and where it lurks.



The secret of their success? How U.S. leaders from JFK to Roosevelt and George W Bush share character traits with psychopaths

Born to kill? Psychopaths have different brains to normal people - and current 'therapies' for killers may be useless

'Of course it is not automatic. The brain can compensate somewhat for violent tendencies and it is unclear how that works.


Psychpathy  is a personality disorder that has been variously characterised by shallow emotions (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy, and stress tolerance), coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, antisocial behavior, a lack of remorse, and a parasitic lifestyle.

Terrorists are sometimes called psychopaths, and comparisons can be drawn with traits such as antisocial violence, a selfish worldview that precludes welfare for others, lack of remorse or guilt, and blaming external events.

While no psychiatric or psychological organisation has sanctioned a diagnosis of 'psychopathy' itself, assessments of psychopathy are widely used in criminal justice settings in some nations and may have important consequences for individuals.

'But when I will look at young people, and I see there are developmental disorders in the lower forehead brain, I can say that there is a felon in the making with 66 per cent probability.

'It is easy to spot this anti-social behaviour from very early on.'

Dr Roth said no two criminals are alike. He divides them into three groups for the purposes of his hunt for evil.

The first he classifies as 'psychologically healthy,' people who grow up in an environment where it is 'OK to beat, steal and murder'.

The second type is the mentally disturbed criminal who looks at his world as threatening.

'A wrong look, one false move, he can explode and become a killer,' he said.

The third group are pure psycopaths, a group in which tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin belong.

He said not all monsters are born and that many are made worse by their environments on their roads to evil.

He added: 'Experts detect a mental decline in some people that begins in the kindergarten. It is the task of society to offer widespread support to the children and their parents before they become criminals.'

Dr Roth is one of Germany's best-known brain specialists and has was at the forefront of calling for sentencing reforms a few years ago.

Comments (200)

One bad thing about this 'finding' is some idiot will try use a 'pre-disposition' to violence to get away with it

- Trulyhuge93, Leeds, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 9:28

    Rating   210

Could we have a requirement that you undergo an examination for this conditiond before you run for public office or take a civil service job?

- John Henry, Sartell_MN_USA, 5/2/2013 16:44

    Rating   185

This is nothing new Many serial killers have been known to have damage to this area of the brain from accidents before their killing sprees, Fred West & Earle Nelson to name but two; it does not have to be congenital

- Fiona, London, 5/2/2013 9:13

    Rating   156

I think these dark patches can be found predominantly in the brains of Democrats They're all nuts

- jeepmanjr, Countrywide, 5/2/2013 18:34

    Rating   122

I would have said this is pretty obvious Which is why we need proper LONG or LIFE sentencing Some people will just reoffend and reoffend and no amount of punishment or rehab is going to change that As the article states and what people need to realise is that unfortunately some people are just born this way!

- simbo, glasgow, 5/2/2013 10:48

    Rating   120

''Maybe everybody should be scanned so that anyone showing an "evil patch" should be put away somewhere safe so they can't harm other people Obviously won't happen but would be good if it did'' - Bubbles , East Midlands, United Kingdom, 05/2/2013 16:45if this post is serious, I am staggered by the acquiescence to authority that pervades our society Minority Report? Really? Mind you, were are not far of that as it currently stands

- Akenathon, Mdina, 5/2/2013 9:11

    Rating   106

After reading this article, I'd like to see an x-ray of Obama's brain to see if he has the 'dark patch'

- richardsh, Los Angeles, 5/2/2013 18:18

    Rating   103

It could be true about the research that the German expert has stated Ive often wondered why so many cases on the tele showing some really underhand methods used by wrong doers the effort and planning that they put into carrying out there acts etc Im thinking why did they not devote the same effort into doing whats right? in many cases it would have been easier to have done that

- cgray, yeovilsom, 5/2/2013 8:59

    Rating   98

This is the worst written science article I have ever read I wouldn't trust this journalist to describe the gum he stepped in without making twelve gross errors in the first few sentences Allan Hall you should be fired I'm pretty sure Roth isn't a neurologist he's a neurobiologist and that is a big difference There is no such thing as the "central lobe" and I really doubt anything is showing up as a "dark patch" on "X-rays" I'm guessing you tried to paraphrase someone else's reporting as a thinly veiled plagiarism and are so scientifically illiterate that what you think are synonyms are GLARING inaccuracies Better luck next time

- Abraham Newman, Faketown, United States, 6/2/2013 15:50

    Rating   80

I'd like to see Bliar's brain Close up

- Try this at home, London, 5/2/2013 10:08

    Rating   75

This is great news - need to immediately start screening all politicians

- abinico warez, mendocino, 6/2/2013 18:17

    Rating   62

All over the country, Defense Attorneys are downloading his paper now

- Waggle, Houston, United States, 5/2/2013 11:55

    Rating   55

I'd be all for lobotomy if we could find what part of the brain makes someone a democrat

- JTerianDkwanJackson, Dallas, 6/2/2013 4:59

    Rating   55

The results are very interesting But scientifically, you can't jump from observing a dark patch at the front of the brain to a 'genetic predisposition' to violence because there is no proof whether it's genetic or not The dark patch may be the result of life choices of person rather than genes So more research needs to be done

- Giustina, London, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 8:59

    Rating   54

Going to sit back and watch as 1) the press distorts this; 2)politicians on both sides of the pond distort it; 3) neither press nor politicians acts any smarter than freshly beheaded chickens; 4) some horrible legislation comes out of the kerfuffle, 5) both the British and American peoples' rights get flushed in the imperative to DO SOMETHING; 6)the science moves on and finds that the truth is still more complex, and 7) law catches up to 2013 science, say about 2050, if I'm still there to see it

- depwavid, Panama City Beach, United States, 5/2/2013 17:32

    Rating   49

Assuming all politicians have been found to have the dark patch

- miguel, Los Angeles, ca, 5/2/2013 11:31

    Rating   49

the "dark patch" definition will trigger the cries of RAYCISMS as per usual

- Danny, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 17:57

    Rating   48

I'd bet even money that if a Democrat/liberal/progressive brain was scanned, the same "dark spot" would be evident

- Mike the Papparazzi, not entirely sure where I am, 6/2/2013 10:48

    Rating   48

Not sure what to think on this one I hope in the future this doesn't lead to some kind of witch hunting nightmare

- Koda, Vancouver, United States, 5/2/2013 16:19

    Rating   47

"central lobe" cannot journalists do better?

- docwhocuts, nyc, United States, 5/2/2013 17:58

    Rating   38

As I and many people have said for years, some people are BORN EVIL and no amount of goody goody psychology or treatment can "cure" them The only cure is to destroy them

- wawpt01, Mold, 5/2/2013 8:56

    Rating   38

What came first the dark patch or the dark side?

- yougottobekidding, Freehold, 5/2/2013 18:59

    Rating   37

And Democrats will push legislation to ban dark spots on the brain in 3, 2, 1

- Dan Goucho, USA, United States, 6/2/2013 11:19

    Rating   36

Presidential contenders should have this test run before the nomination process even starts

- Jack Inmanz, manzanillo, Mexico, 6/2/2013 8:01

    Rating   34

Sounds to be pretty descriptive of the liberal personality I have one glaring example in mind

- Chas, Reno, 5/2/2013 15:46

    Rating   32

These comments are disturbing and coming from uneducated individuals responding to a sensationalised article about a controversial matter Not only are these claims completely over generalised, they fail to reference any peer review systems, nor further discussions of other disorders hypothesised to be attributed to disfunction in this part of the brain We're only just beginning to understand the way it works Not long ago people believed that neurons die off, never to be replaced Nowadays neuroscientists are becoming aware of the brains incredible plasticity I don't think this article should be inspiring questions about "what to do with them when they are born", or deranged religious fears of satanic influence No need to call for witch hunts, people For shame!

- NormanSmiley, Perth, Australia, 5/2/2013 14:58

    Rating   30

Lets go into the convicts heads and remove it then! With a pair of pliars!

- Harvey, Aberdeen, 5/2/2013 9:57

    Rating   30

Killers start by killing animals

- Bugandco, Chicago, 5/2/2013 19:28

    Rating   30

Maybe the Tyrannical Obama administration will require brain scans for "dark patches" before approval to buy a firearm?

- ajneale, New York, 6/2/2013 10:23

    Rating   30

Maybe you should scan the brains of all MP's and PM's before being elected, they have no compassion either

- Nige, Manchester, 6/2/2013 6:49

    Rating   29

So, Dr Ruth can predict with 66% certainty 'a felon in the making' I can predict with 50% accuracy a felon in the makingit's called guessing - Michael , Winchester, 06/2/2013 06:44 ============ That would only work if 50% of the population was a felon in the making

- Nigel, Newport, United Kingdom, 6/2/2013 1:24

    Rating   28

I didn't see anything about controls or scans of "virtuous" people You might just as well say, based on the pictures, that moustaches are indicative of evil Then, what about beards?

- MalibuJoe, Los Angeles, 6/2/2013 2:26

    Rating   28

An interesting hypothesis, but I think this very dangerous and seriously simplistic What's the next step - lobotomising or killing people who have this 'dark spot', just in case? Been here before haven't we?

- dangermouse, Cheddar, 6/2/2013 3:26

    Rating   28

Here is another possible theory based on the neurologist's findings: Think of "conscience" as the ability to look back at oneself, applying an inherent moral standard to one's thoughts and actions If one has a keen conscience, when that standard is not met the warning bell rings and calls attention to it Some, however, rather than changing their thoughts or actions to conform to that standard, simply start ignoring the warning bells Soon their consciences become more and more dull or even deadened This area of the frontal lobe is most likely the place where that process occurs The less one uses it, the more darkened that portion becomes

- Phillylawyer, Philadelphia, United States, 6/2/2013 11:34

    Rating   27

Would be interesting to try this research on people who join the army and see whether the condition's linked to medal winning Would be interesting to try this research on business people and see whether this condition's linked to reaching the top Would be interesting to try this research on priests, nurses, TV presenters and a whole lot more Not sure how interesting it's going to be when it becomes part of the job interview though

- Head of, Steam, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 12:37

    Rating   26

"What is a pyschopath"? Ah, I see, a guy who wears a really wierd mask and has to drink through a straw Thanks DM, if I see anyone wearing this sort I mask I now know I should cross the road quickly

- fooddesertsorg, Newport, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 10:27

    Rating   25

Will this lead to compulsory brain scans in the name of health and safety or crime reduction programmes?

- gaz, Eastbourne, 5/2/2013 14:41

    Rating   25

No doubt Obama's brain has a prominent dark spot

- batmanroxus, Madison, 6/2/2013 5:59

    Rating   25

The victorians had it right Frontal Lobotomy

- Gary, Marbella, United Kingdom, 6/2/2013 1:51

    Rating   24

There is a glaring problem with this research inasmuch that it does not recognize the difference between personally inflicted and witnessed violence and violence ordered at a distance by a person detached from the consequences For me, this undermines the validity

- Keith Expat Expat, Perth, Australia, 5/2/2013 14:59

    Rating   22

"Maybe everybody should be scanned so that anyone showing an "evil patch" should be put away somewhere safe so they can't harm other people Obviously won't happen but would be good if it did - Bubbles , East Midlands, United Kingdom, 05/2/2013 16:45" >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope you are joking Maybe you have the dark patch Maybe good people have the dark patch Maybe a 75-year-old has the dark patch but been good all his life Or maybe the article is rubbish

- paulmarkj, London, Jamaica, 5/2/2013 9:47

    Rating   22

So another step towards putting people in jail for crimes they haven't yet committed, or maybe haven't even ever thought of committing?

- Just Dona, Metropolis, United Kingdom, 6/2/2013 1:30

    Rating   22

I know a few people that would have the dark patch if tested!

- justhoughtidmention, warrington, 5/2/2013 10:39    Rating   22

What a pity that the funds aren't available either for early scanning or, if it shows the dark patch, for suitable 'treatment' or influence to prevent somebody turning 'bad' We struggle enough to deal with relatively small variations in behaviour, let alone something as complicated as this A shame though - if it's real of course

- Chronicler, London, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 9:12    Rating   21

Thou Shalt Not Kill, Steal, Lie, Curse etc    Oh , please excuse me, we are not supposed to think that anymore  

- charles, london, 6/2/2013 4:39    Rating   21

I have worked with 3 and 4 year olds for over 24 yearsWe can spot potential criminals at this age and younger On several occasions I have seen children's names in the paper once they have grown up and been jailed for criminal actsIn all these cases the children had defective and ineffective parents Parents were often totally uninterested in their children or were criminal role models or indulged their children to the point that the child couldn't and wouldn't follow rules and had no understanding of anything other than self So yes,we can spot the future criminals but halting the development is considerably harder

- pendlepoppins, pendle, 5/2/2013 9:16    Rating   19

Now find the evil patch that makes people lawyers And test the pigs I bet they all have the dark spot

- Porter Browning, Seattle, United States, 6/2/2013 7:01    Rating   19

I think this is a much neeeded study I wonder if he has explored the brain of serial killers? With other studies, maybe we can find a way to treat people that tend to be violent

- dareisay, USA, United States, 6/2/2013 6:17    Rating   19

History repeats itself Didn't the germans have theories like this before?

- advocate, moray, 5/2/2013 10:36    Rating   18

Is the part of their brain that empathises with other people missing?

- Jenny, Norfolk, 6/2/2013 1:58    Rating   18

MRI's have been used previously for assesments of psychopathic tendancies, this sresearch appears to be (mainly) reinventing the wheel

- spotthelemon, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 12:37    Rating   17

WOW, what took experts so long to discover this????? We all know that evil people's brains aren't like normal people's brains Amazing! - Rhonda, Fullerton----------- Yes Rhonda most normal people know this,Sigh But did it ever accure to you that maybe now they have located it, medicine can possibly treat / cure it as they have found (possibly) the exact area Thus possibly making society a better place and less dangerous i say possible because it all depends what society does with the information they have

- Name, Town o Country, Heard Island And McDonald Islands, 5/2/2013 12:21    Rating   17

Compulsory lobotomisations on the way! Better get the tin foil helmet out!!!!

- OGOsborne, Seattle-USA, United States, 5/2/2013 15:41    Rating   16

So, Dr Ruth can predict with 66% certainty 'a felon in the making' I can predict with 50% accuracy a felon in the makingit's called guessing

- Michael, Winchester, 5/2/2013 22:44    Rating   16

"central lobe"? The title of the article should be, "scientist discovers new love in brain" Nice MRI too, with a huge arifact in the area of interest Pseudoscience at its finest

- the_dood, Earth, 6/2/2013 2:22    Rating   16

Don't tell us mate, phone the Hammer Film people They haven't had a good ridiculous plot for years

- Tom Paines bones, utopia, United Kingdom, 6/2/2013 5:35    Rating   16

Literally had this conversation with my dad yesterday I told him I believed people were born evil

- Hayley, Bournemouth UK, 5/2/2013 11:40    Rating   16

So all we have to do it CT scan everyone and cull the ones with the dark patch Probably to expensive to put them in jail, just kill them all You know the Fabian Eugenicists want to This is the clue they have been looking for and if they are wrong  oh, well, it was the intention that counted, as it always is

- Luxomni, Atlanta, 5/2/2013 21:24    Rating   15

This is no more than a modern day version of 19th century phrenology

- Tim Pearce, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 10:42    Rating   15

Bring back the lobotomy!! - kayleeray, houston Has it worked for you?

- Life is a pie chart, UK, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 10:14    Rating   15

This is scientific nonsense, this is so the state can get rid of 'dissidents' or anyone they don't like by claiming they are potential killers

- Ade, Hull, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 20:36    Rating   14

Will lobotomies take their mind off evil things???

- ilovemaryjane, watford, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 8:52    Rating   14

Why do I get the feeling that this "dark patch" and "region of the brain where evil is formed and where it lurks" is just the part of the brain that usually lights up when a person feels empathy? Not news at all, known for a long time And extremely dangerous and grossly unfair to draw ANY conclusions or presumptions about individuals based on these scans

- Padraig, Cork, 5/2/2013 10:32    Rating   14

I would have said this is pretty obvious Which is why we need proper LONG or LIFE sentencing Some people will just reoffend and reoffend and no amount of punishment or rehab is going to change that As the article states and what people need to realise is that unfortunately some people are just born this way!!

- simbo, glasgow, 5/2/2013 10:47    Rating   14

He is quite right My daughter is learning all about this kind of thing in psychology at college It's really fascinating stuff Scoff all you want some of you, but it IS correct

- candygirl, Essex, 5/2/2013 23:32    Rating   13

Shine some light in there

- DarkStarAz, Phoenix, 6/2/2013 11:52    Rating   13

It was common knowledge back when I was a youngster, the late 1950's, that lobotomies created individuals that were quite docile at first but became violent as time progressed There is no difference between what was common knowledge 60 years ago about the results of lobotomies and what Dr Roth has observed Dr Roth has, perhaps, added more specificity with his observation

- qdtqdt, Bethlehem, 6/2/2013 6:09   

This reeks of bad science

- Kurtz66, Montgomery, United States, 6/2/2013 8:18

    Rating   13

Fascinating! One of the reasons for Capitol Punishment in the Ancient Writings of the Old Testament was ----- To purge the "Evil" from society Now, with "Scientific Evidence" --- Perhaps they were correct

- Friedrich, Hemet, United States, 6/2/2013 7:55    Rating   13

Quick, get Tony Blair down for a brain scan!

- LINDSAY HUNT, LONDON, 5/2/2013 14:30    Rating   13

Ah no I say we use the "gun control" method Make parents register their potential offenders after brain scans show them with dark spots!

- Freemon Sandlewould, St Loo, United States, 6/2/2013 2:58    Rating   13

Then surely a labotomy performed would sort that out?

- Dee Miller, Johannesburg, 5/2/2013 22:47    Rating   12

Primary school teachers and dinner ladies will often tell you which children will come too no good Watch those children

- Ian, southport, 6/2/2013 4:39    Rating   12

The middle-class psychopath turns into an office bully

- GoingOrganic, London, 5/2/2013 10:39    Rating   12

This isn't a new discovery I read about it years ago

- Dave, West Lancs, 5/2/2013 9:26    Rating   12

It wouldn't have to be genetic that area of the Brian could have shut down do to years if abuse as a child or even hard living as an adult

- Helen, Rohnert Park, CA United States, 5/2/2013 11:10    Rating   11

"Evil" is not "formed" in the forebrain, rather a deficit there results in the inability to restrain impulses We all have aggressive impulses in abundance One of the worst songs ever written was "You've got to Be Carefully Taught," by Rogers and Hammerstein in which they say one must be carefully taught to hate and kill Sorry, that comes easily, one must be taught not to do such and the forebrain is where such lessons are reinforced

- Fred-M, Birmingham-AL-USA, 6/2/2013 8:50    Rating   11

The doctor's findings reminded me of that famous passage from the Book of Revelation: " And [the beast] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:" Rev 13:16 KJV It's interesting that the King James says followers of the Beast receive a mark "in" their forehead, not "on" their forehead

- tonyloaf, New York, 6/2/2013 14:52    Rating   11

The dark patch, to some degree, resides in all of us

- As the fly goes, UK, 5/2/2013 11:49    Rating   10

Whether you have an evil gene or crazy gene in your brain EVERYONE's brain was created to know right from wrong So there are no excuses

- Fae, UK, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 14:05    Rating   10

I am not a 'religous' person However, I am a Nostic My learnings from being Nostic for many, many years, have lead me to believe that there has to be souless humans on earth This article makes me go 'hmmm' If a soul is all light/energy, maybe that 'dark patch' is there because no light/energy is within I have always felt that only a truely souless human could commit such horrible things against other humans Yes, good and bad exist in all humans But only bad exist in a souless human

- NannyNita29, Shiloh, United States, 6/2/2013 10:07    Rating   10

Is the "dark patch" lesion the cause or the effect of blotting out emotion? Psychological trauma is known to cause physical lesions in the brain I can't see how, based on this work, we can discern any cause-and-effect relationship 66% probability is still hit or miss guessing, and certainly the deck is stacked in Roth's favor as he is unlikely to examine someone who doesn't have problems already

- TyroneG, Cape Town, 5/2/2013 23:38    Rating   9


- Dean Hilgeman, San Diego, United States, 6/2/2013 10:22    Rating   9

That's the spot burned out by the psych drugs they were given

- JohnS, DC, United States, 6/2/2013 20:55    Rating   9

So we're back to Phrenology?

- docpsych34, Baton Rouge, 5/2/2013 22:34    Rating   8

Well if violence is genetic, then we can expect human rights will demand even softer sentencing Perhaps the slap on the wrist and don?t do it again punishment currently handed out, will become too harsh

- Ron, Sudbury, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 10:20    Rating   8

i include all leaders of the westen world

- andy in wales, llanarth, 5/2/2013 9:27    Rating   8

Bring back the lobotomy!!

- kayleeray, houston, 5/2/2013 9:32    Rating   8

OBowMaoNoCare will require everyone to get a brain scan but Only the Republicans will suffer annihilation by Drone Assassinationwhether you have a 'dark spot' or notBIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! FEAR OBOWMAO!!!

- Paul Cenac, Mobile, United States, 6/2/2013 7:10    Rating   8

Now find the liberalism brain area and lobotomise every last one of them

- A Williams, London, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 22:52

    Rating   8

Obama's picture should be here as well, he's just getting started

- Paolo, Chicago, 6/2/2013 1:13    Rating   7

And the screaming silent answer is what to do with them at birth?

- King Brian, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 14:27Rating   7

I have heard this one before Was in the 19th Century criminals could get out of jail if they accepted a lobotomy?

- Eric, Devon, 5/2/2013 9:41    Rating   7

Shine some light in there

- DarkStarAz, Phoenix, 6/2/2013 11:51    Rating   7

I think we are all pretty much the same but we live in a cotton wool bubble which restrains the full range of natural tendancies in most people, but with the right mix of upbringing, surrounding, peers and family anyone can be 'evil' In most people it is their over riding intellect and logic that wins the day, but if the needs arose a lot of people would revert to something else if they had to

- Jetty, London, United Kingdom, 6/2/2013 3:29    Rating   7

This has been obvious for donkeys years Hopefully it will lead to tests that enable dangerous criminals to be kept locked-up for life The criminal justice system has become a joke Far too much emphasis on the rights of prisoners and futile attempts at rehabilitation instead of what's best for victims, their families and society Some people are beyond help and the sooner that's accepted the better

- time for honesty, London, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 9:12    Rating   6

Maybe they had it right in the old days A quick lobotomy would work

- Rick, Springfield, 5/2/2013 22:42    Rating   6

how do we know Hitler was a psychopath? that's a pretty broad statement - I actually think he was a narcissist Stalin? Def a psychopath -> he was a criminal before he shoved his way into power and acted like a paranoid psychopath his whole  career

- rich b, myrtle beach sc usa, 6/2/2013 15:57    Rating   6

Will criminals then be able to argue that it 'wasn't their fault' and get off with it?

- Trustnobody, Landofthefreeloaders, United Kingdom, 5/2/2013 11:11    Rating   6

Read more: http://wwwdailymailcouk/sciencetech/article-2273857/Neurologist-discovers-dark-patch-inside-brains-killers-rapistshtml#ixzz2KIrRFwjT

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