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发表于 2013-9-30 22:46:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
滑铁卢数学俱乐部及竞赛队本周六(105日)开始恢复活动,招收9-12年级爱好数学的学生(包括非本校学生),部分7-8年级学生通过考试也可吸收参加活动,地点在泓河中文学校(Resurrection中学)101教室,时间周六230-400email waterloo.math.team@gmail.com 加入他们的通讯录。其他细节见下面英文通知。请互相转告。
Announcement of Waterloo Math Club and Team
If you are interested in contest math or problem solving, the Waterloo Math Club and Team welcomes you! We are a math club that gathers students from the Waterloo Region to solve math problems, compete in various competitions, and to garner interest in mathematics as a whole. For several years now, we have run weekly practices where students can work together to develop their problem solving skills. Unlike other math circles, we focus on teamwork and training for math contests. Throughout the year some of our students get to attend competitions and training sessions in Windsor and in the US.

The mathematics that we teach is primarily targeted toward high school students (grade 9 to 12), but students of grades 7 and 8 who have a strong foundation in math may also be accepted (upon passing a qualification test). The weekly training sessions take place at Resurrection High School in Room 101, from 2:30PM to 4:00 PM every Saturday except long weekends.
For more information feel free to email us at waterloo.math.team@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!
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