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风萧萧 2024-4-20 03:28
西弗吉尼亚大学健康科学校长兼执行院长 Clay B. Marsh, MD Chancellor and Executive Dean, West Virginia University Health Sciences PHONE 304-293-4511 FAX 304-293-4973 Online: https://directory.hsc.wvu.edu/Profile/43104/Contact https://www.facebook.com ...
个人分类: Frank's Writings|58 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How Thatcher brought UK back from the wilderness - Telegraph
风萧萧 2017-4-8 10:48
How Thatcher brought UK back from the wilderness - Telegraph With tributes from across the world hailing Baroness Thatcher’s life, Louise Armitstead explores the profound impact that she had upon the UK and its economy . Six days after her death, the battle is ove ...
个人分类: 英国|150 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 UK was 'sick man of Europe' Now we're racing ahead
风萧萧 2017-4-8 10:40
Britain was the sick man of Europe; not any more UK was 'sick man of Europe' Now we're racing ahead - we must LEAVE, says BORIS JOHNSON ONCE Britain was known as the ‘sick man of Europe’. Now our nation is racing ahead economically and has no need of the failing European Union. ...
个人分类: 英国|129 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Thatcherism and the End of the Post-War Consensus
风萧萧 2017-4-8 10:36
Thatcherism and the End of the Post-War Consensus --- What was the post-war political consensus and why did Thatcherism represent its final demise? By Dennis Kavanagh Last updated 2011-03-03 About the author Dennis Kavanagh is emerit ...
个人分类: 英国|125 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 保守的撒切尔,自由的撒切尔
风萧萧 2017-4-7 20:16
保守的撒切尔,自由的撒切尔 2017-04-07 来源:宁天下微信号 http://www.wailaike.net/news-1974954-0.html 四年前的今天,英国保守党前首相撒切尔夫人因病逝世,享年84岁。这位“铁娘子”的溘然长逝在世界范围内引起了许多的追思,她当政时期的政绩也一再受到关注和讨论。 ...
个人分类: 英国|152 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 British Schools Hope to Improve Performance by Adopting Chinese Math Textbooks
风萧萧 2017-3-22 05:20
Chinese maths textbooks to be translated for UK schools HarperCollins signs ‘historic’ deal with Shanghai publishers amid hopes it will boost British students’ performance China’s wealthy cities produce some of the world’s top-performing maths pup ...
个人分类: 英国|217 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2015 Booming Britain to become world's fourth largest economy
风萧萧 2017-3-19 03:09
Booming Britain to become world's fourth largest economy as France and Italy face G8 exclusion Europe's largest economies will struggle to remain members of the world's elite economic club as UK races ahead, finds new report By Mehreen Khan 11:30AM, 26 De ...
个人分类: 英国|175 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 British Chamber of Commerce in China Chair Clare Pearson
风萧萧 2017-3-18 07:08
British Chamber of Commerce in China elects new Executive Committee BritCham / CBBC The new Executive Committee of the British Chamber of Commerce in China was elected at the Annual General Meeting on 17 June 2015. The new office-holders are listed below. The new members were welcom ...
个人分类: 英国|296 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Britain is privatising the Natioanl Health Services
风萧萧 2017-3-5 05:53
Britain is privatising the Natioanl Health Services NHS privatisation: Why the fuss? Nick Triggle Health correspondent 20 February 2015 http://www.bbc.com/news/health-31435842 Mo ...
个人分类: 英国|238 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 NHS finances in crisis due to rising demand and budget cuts
风萧萧 2017-3-5 00:25
NHS finances in crisis due to rising demand and budget cuts Double pressure on the service could cause £30bn deficit by 2020 – and parties’ extra cash pledges won’t be enough Labour’s NHS funding pledge unravels Addenbrooke’s chief execut ...
个人分类: 英国|93 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 British Two patients die on trolleys in same A&E after long waits in one wee
风萧萧 2017-3-5 00:19
NHS faces 'humanitarian crisis' at hospitals, British Red Cross warns Two patients die on trolleys in same AE in one week as NHS struggles to cope 'The emergency care system is on its knees,' says president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine ...
个人分类: 英国|134 次阅读|0 个评论


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